Home Sweet Home

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Still John B's pov

After a few hours we can see land. Really far away but we can see it.
- Do you think this is obx? Kie says smiling
- Idk, there is 74% to be obx. JJ replays
- I was gonna say 5% but fine! Pope says weirdly.
When we finally get there we just see nothing.
- Cool just nothing again! JJ says angrily
- I miss peopleeee!!!! Kie says
- Me too. Sarah replys almost crying
- If we go, we'll find out if there are people or no pussy! Says Pope angrily
I don't know but Pope is always angry now. Maybe it's just stress but I feel like he's tired with everyone and everything.
- Whoa Pope calm down. I say hoping he would relax
- How John B. How could I relax in this fucking situation. I don't where my pops is, idk where we are and I don't know where we are going to be in 2 days. Maybe we are going to be dead. You never know when someone is going to pull a fucking gun on your motherfucking face, right JJ?? You know how people feel about that don't you dude??
- Pope dude! Give us a break! Kie says loudly
- Give ME a break! And you Kiara? You dump me in the time I most needed and then you act like nothing fucking happened. I know you never loved me and I accepted that but treating me like I'm just a regular friend of yours is just ridiculous. You know I still love you and hooking up with my best friend is really just pathetic!
- What? So you are shouting at me because I don't love you not just like a friend? I'm really sorry if I hurt you I really didn't mean to but YOU are being ridiculous. I'm not hooking up with anyone!!
              - Oh you're not? Pope says sarcastically
              - No I'm not Pope
              - Umm, guys? Sarah says as we hit the pier.

There were 2 cops. And guess what: Shoupe and some random women with no sense of style. They were looking for something in the city. Maybe missing teenagers? Or drug dealers? Or maybe Ward? Or my dad? No. They where looking for missing teenagers! And how do I know that? Because they had angry faces and guns in their pockets.
                - Let's get out of here! JJ says
                 - And go where exactly JJ? Kie says
                  - I know where you can go! Someone with a familiar voice says approaching us.
                  - Shit! I say

I know this chapter isn't the longest
but I hope you're having a great time!!
Don't forget to comment and vote pls
Love u guys!!!

- k

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