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30 September 2000 - 12.00 noon

DALJIT SINGH intended to go to Crystal City by train from Metro 7th Street, not far from the plaza at 9th Street. But first, he went into a fast-food restaurant at the plaza to fill his hungry stomach. Gabriel appeared while Daljit was enjoying his lunch. Gabriel went straight to Daljit's table and sat facing him and extended his hand for a shake. 

"How are you, Mr. Daljit?"

"Fine. What are you doing here, Mr. Gabriel?"

Gabriel didn't reply. He waved to a waitress. Gabriel ordered a lunch set - mashed potato, a loaf of garlic bread and a glass of mineral water. Similar to what Daljit was eating.

"I have something for you, Mr. Daljit. This'll be hot news soon," Gabriel said. 

He chewed on his garlic bread, dipped in mashed potato. Then he took a swig of mineral water to clear his throat. 

"What's it about?" Daljit seemed interested.

"You're a reporter and you don't know about this?" Gabriel said. "But they'll know about this before long. Hmm... soon."

"Okay... what about?" Daljit pressed on. His reporter instinct seemed to jump uncontrollably for the answer. 

"Let me ask you first..."

Daljit waited. His face serious. 

"Between Jack William and Baldwin Jr., who would you think will be America's President after the general election on 7 November?" Gabriel asked.

"Judging by his popularity, Jack William seemed difficult to beat. I think Baldwin Jr. will lose," Daljit voiced his opinion honestly.

"That's what most Americans are saying."

"What about you, Mr. Gabriel?" Daljit's turn to ask.


"But... Jack William has gained strong support now. Furthermore, at this very moment he's working hard touring and campaigning all over the United States," Daljit defended his opinion.

"Whoever becomes president after November 7, won't change America's attitude towards countries in the Asian region. History of past presidents has proved that. They tried to take advantage over third world countries. America and Britain are in it together. They put on a facade and start on a new colonization campaign. They're everywhere. From suppression of the people of Palestinian and Iraq in West Asia, troubles in the Balkans, Sudan and other African countries, Indonesia, Russia, Iran, China, Malaysia and in fact, the whole of the UN organization," Gabriel went on in length.

Daljit remained quiet while digesting every word that Gabriel said.

"These American and British colonists have collaborators in all the countries they went into. They use a lot of fronts and disguises. Among them - democracy, human rights, freedom and environment issues. And organizations such as religious associations, political parties. Non-government organizations and influential individuals."

"For the last 10 years, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, America became the only powerful nation and feared world police. The fact is, America and Britain themselves are not powerful. Only human fears made them powerful. Case in point is the 1991 Gulf War when they invaded Iraq with thirty allies. If they had won the war, like what they told the whole world, why didn't they capture Baghdad and arrest Saddam Hussein?" Gabriel inhaled lengthily.

Daljit took a swig of water. He had become engrossed in Gabriel's point of view. One question still remained in his heart - who is this guy? Daljit waited for the right moment to raise the question.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now