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15 October 2000 - 8.45 p.m.

HILMAN stood looking outside the window moments after he stepped into the room shared by Gabriel and Daljit. Outside the window, Queens looked beautiful at night, shone with bright lights. For a moment, Hilman thought about the lights at the Petronas Twin Tower which was also beautiful during the night. He saw how beautiful it was from the air while he was on a mission the previous month. Then... a sigh escaped his throat. Heavy.

"Daljit, can you please help to fill the bathtub? Warm water... please." Gabriel requested. 

"Will do," Daljit replied clearing his throat several times. He glanced at Hilman who had, all the while, remained quiet. He had been like that during the drive to the hotel.

Gabriel went close to Hilman and tapped him on the shoulder. Hilman turned. Gone were the wig, false beard, and mustache that he used to hide his face. They lay undisturbed on the bed. The gun he took from an NYPD policeman was kept in a drawer. 

"Hilman... maybe you'd like to take a bath before going to bed. Refresh the body... soak it to get rid of the sore."

No protest from Hilman. Without a word, he retreated to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.


OUTSIDE the bathroom, Gabriel picked up the telephone and dialed Mia Sara's room.

"Hello..." Mia Sara was heard answering the phone. 

"Sara... this is Gabriel," Gabriel whispered.

"Hey! Where did both of you go? I called many times. But, all I got was an engaged tone!" Mia Sara grumbled. 

"Sara... Hilman's here in our room."

"Where did you find him?" Mia Sara's tone changed. 

"The usual place," Gabriel replied. 

"Battery Park," Mia Sara guessed. 


"Okay... I'll be there right away."

"Okay," Gabriel ended their conversation.


GABRIEL set the phone down.

"Gabriel," Daljit interrupted.

"Shhh... lower your voice," Gabriel commanded putting a finger to his lips. 

"Hilman has a gun with him," Daljit whispered. 

"I know. Just let it be," Gabriel nodded.

"Are you crazy, Gabriel? You're going to let Hilman carry a gun everywhere he goes?" Daljit questioned Gabriel, worried. 

Gabriel did not reply. He knew well the situation Hilman was going through at the moment. Everyone was looking for him. Gabriel was sure the gun was for self-defense. 

"Err... Gabriel... why are you being too good to him tonight?" Daljit asked again, changing their talking point and at the same time, he sought an answer to a question that had been playing in his mind. His voice lowered to a whisper.

Gabriel sighed softly. "He's stressed right now. Remember when we were at Battery Park?"

Daljit nodded. Frowning. 

"He was talking to himself, remember? Like he was talking to someone else. The sign showed that he's under a lot of pressure," Gabriel explained. 

Daljit kept nodding his head, as though he understood.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now