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Prince Louis left the room before I could say anything. He's a grown man yet is ordered to stay in his room all day?

Why is the King treating him this way? What's so different between Timothee and Louis, besides their mothers?

"Y/n." My head turned sharply towards the voice.

Prince Timothee.

I ran towards him, jumping in his arms. "I thought you were captured." Prince Timothee sighed in relief.

"Your brother helped me." I pulled away from the hug and told him.

"I barely believed him. For once, I'm glad I did. For I have not, I would not have found you now." He recited.

"Did you memorize that?" I asked baffled.

"What? No." He looked away from me, hiding his embarrassment, and turned to his brother. "Thank you, brother."

Prince Louis' eyes widen. "That's the first you've called me that."

I looked between the two curiously.

"And I apologize for that. I have wronged you by judging you based on your mother. Please forgive me, for father has taught me to hate you because of it." Prince Timothee walked towards him, grasping his hands in his. "Forgive me, brother."

"You will be forgiven when you save her from father." Prince Louis finalized.

"Of course, I would never let her suffer the wrath of our father." He affirmed. "However, the castle halls are now filled with guards roaming around every corner. There's no possible way we'd be able to escape." Prince Timothee looked at me sadly.

"But there is!" Prince Louis' eyes widen once more. He rushed to his bookcase, pulling it from the wall revealing a dark staircase. "There are two halls, the left leads past the dungeons to the horse stables. The right, to the kitchens. I believe this was my mother's escape way for when she needed fresh air." He grabbed a torch from his closet lighting it up before handing it to us. "I wish the both of you, good luck."

"You're not coming with us?" I stepped forward, confused.

Prince Louis shook his head. "I'll only get in the way. You need to leave, now." He rushed us into the entrance, giving us a curt nod before closing it. 

"Good luck to you as well brother." Prince Timothee said but was not heard as the door had already closed.

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