04- fighting time

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Some may ask, why wear a disguise if you already have one? While that's pretty simple, I don't want random people simpin' for me. I'm to cute for their pea sized brains to handle. (Cue the glitter!)

I finally get to the sign up area. And there is this cute boy but he is way to old for me. "Hello welcome to heavens arena, to participate you will have to sign a sheet with your information. Too watch you can just head in. Which will you decide on?" "I-.. I wish to participate," Dang I almost forgot to change my voice. "Here you go." He said pulling out a paper outta no where, and I sign it right then and there.

"Thank you, your number is 57. You will be called when it's your time to fight." He said while putting the file in the filing cabinet. I who is not really good with strangers, just walks to the waiting room. 'Haaa~ that's a lot of people, just sit, don't think to hard about it. I'm just walking, I'm just walking, I'm just walking. HARRY UP AND CALL ME UP TO FIGHT! I CAN NO LONGER SPEND A NOTHER MINUTE IN HERE!' I get up and walk straight outta there. OOh~ smell that- hec* nevermind!

You know what I'll, just wait in the stands. Not even barely there, and they call my number. So I head there and see a mirror, make sure my hair is hidden. I head over to platform C. And my opponent is a small old man. "Ha, hello there young lad. I do hope we have a pleasant match." The man said too kindly to be here. "Agreed," I said while nodding my head. I do wish to learn actual fighting skilles. So Ill try and drag this out.

"Ready? Begin." The ref said I then started running to the old man not too fast. I tried going for an upper kick but he blocked pushing me a little back. Now it was his turn, there was a punch aimed to my face. No its a lower kick, my body wasn't fast enough to get away from that. I slightly trip but got back as quick and that kick. I go in to punch them in the Chin, but it was a fake. I go and kick the lower part, while going behind the man. He also trips but jumps back up. We both go for a punch and block, but I, who is younger is the last one standing. "Winner, by K.O. Is number 57, please head to floor 15." He said while giving me a ticket. I nod and get the ticket from the ref.

I head to the elevator and show the lady my ticket. "Well hello there little boy, what's a young lad doing in such a place." She asked while pushing the button. I got nothing to say, so I decide to stay quiet. I can't see her face but I can tell she's mad. Before she can say anything else the door opens, I walk out onto the floor.

'While its time to go for another fight.'

Hehe~ MY FRIST FIGHTING SCENE! I was fun writing this chapter!

Also, illumi and Bexx might meet in the next chapter? Who knows I'm just going to pass out now. .  .

Chao! (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

[Male Oc reincarnated in HxH]Where stories live. Discover now