05- new friend

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It's been a months of non stop fighting, and I've made it to the 100th floor.

I finally get to my own personal room and I am super tired. After 2 whole months I can finally de- transform. I go back to my 3 year old body and blop onto my temporary bed. Ima just gonna lay here for the next week.

After 20 minutes I get bored, "there's nothing to do here." I get up and realization hits me. I haven't changed in a month. I make my way to the bathroom, once I get there I turned on the water. While I waited for it to fill I got the fluffiest towel they had to offer. I turned of the water, stripped and got in. It's been a while since I could bath this body.

The whole aging thing is weird, if I'm in my original body. It effects almost everything in the other one but it's not like that with the fake one. When I'm in the 'fake body' my original body is not effected on damage. But I still feel as though I have the injury, Phantom injuries if you will. So let's say I got a paper cut, if I was in my original body I would have the same cut on my fake one, but my fake body heals faster. If I was to get a paper cut on my fake body, my original body would feel it but it wouldn't show.

I finish drying myself up and head to my bag to get my clothes. I just put on my white hoodie, and light purple shorts. Because supposedly that's the fashion here.

I spend most of the day just walking around, kinda boring. 'when was the last time i had fun that didn't involve fighting?' i relize it was before i even got to the arena. The last time I had fun was when i played with Zeno. I should visit to settle the score.

And like that i was off, 'I can do a surprise visit!'

When i got there i used my 'fake body' and was unrecognizable.  No one was there so i pushed the gate. I opened the first set of doors. 'i thought I was stronger.'

I just used en to find the mansion, and ran. My nen is meh, so it's hard to detect. When i finally arrived i was scared. This house is huge, i went to my original form so I can activate zetzu. I just hid in the shadows while trying to find Zeno.

While in the hallway i saw what's-her-name? The one whom gave birth to Killua. I switched directions so fast and just kept moving until i realized that i cornered myself.

She was walking closer and closer and i was just hoping that she won't see me. As she turned the corner, she made eye contact with the wall. An i made eye contact with a little boy.

"Who are you?" Was what he said, and he is adorable. I then saw headlines rats '...' It was silent for a while. The boy repeated the comment, to which i responded to. "Do you know where Zeno is?" 'shii i panicked' the little boy gave me a suspicious look. He got up and walked towards me swaying his hands, "your name is Bexx! I'm Illumi!" 'i didn't notice before but his voice is so high and adorable!!'

He continued to speak, "wanna be friends? I don't really know what it means, but I'm learning!" Be friends with Illumi? "YES! Don't worry I know what a friend is. Friends is a relationship where they take care of each other's backs! An they also play with each other!"

A knock was heard, so i hid under Illumi's bed. "Hey darling, did someone enter in here?" I couldn't see what he responded, but i heard the door close. My heart was beating really loud, i couldn't hear anything. 'is this how it ends?' i look to see from under the bed. i breath a sigh of relief to see Illumi laying on the floor with me. "I keep my dead animals under here." "EEEEEEEEEEEE!" I scurried out from under there. Illumi was hugging me, looking worried. "Are you okay?"

He tried cheering me up by showing me his collection, i was intrigued but scared. We then went to play darts. On the way there we played stay in the shadows. So not to be found. When we got to the room we where laughing about all the weird faces the butler had.

---_--- photo from Pinterest thank you akibobatea

I would formally like to apologize, i forgot i had an account. An had this story part done. I would blame it on school like every American student but tbh it my fault. That's why I made this story a bit longer.

Sorry (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠'⁠)⁠!

Also Illumi is the oldest so they haven't really implemented the no friend rule yet. But you don't know that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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