03- making friends

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You know something that gets really confusing? Is that in every life I get a new name. I cannot choose it my parents give me the name. So my identity is Bexx , I forgot my last name so I'll just say I'm an orphan. I get to my seat, I got a window set. I put my bags down and set down, surprisingly I'm not tired. Someone sits next to me. I look to see who it is and, "HAAA!" Both me and the person seated jumped a little."Whoa, you almost gave me a heart attack little boy." Said the person known as Zeno Zoldyck. "Oh, sorry about that mister..." i said, can't look to suspicious. "You can call me Zeno." "Oh, okay! Sorry mister Zeno." I said a bit to quickly, then he started talking again. "Drop the mister, I fell old." He said dramatically. "Hehe," oh you don't know what's coming do you?

"This flight is going to take awhile, how about a game?" I asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. "What are you thinking?" I use my hatsu to create a chessboard, "how about chess?"

Zeno POV

This kid, I can't turn down a challenge like this! "Game on." I told the kid now sitting in front of them.

Time skip

It hasn't even been 2 hours and we both already got to each other's necks. (Metaphor) I can't believe this, this kid is a Genius. It was now my turn, and I somehow made out of the situation. But something isn't right, I look back to the board to see my king fully exposed! "Check mate." This kid, you have earned my respect, An I feel somewhat at ease. "What's your name kid?" "My name is Bexx! I'm an orphan." How the, "while Bexx I think we should become friends." The kid had the most brightest smile I have ever seen. "So do you just wander? Or are you going on a trip?" I asked the kid. "I WOULD LOVE TO BE FRIENDS!" He seems way to excited for this. "Oh, and for the other question, I'm just wondering around." "While shall we continue playing?" How about be try a different game?" The kid said, and this strange box with the world life on it. "Game on"

Time skip to the end of the flight-

"While kid it was fun playing with you, come visit me anytime at the Zoldyck mansion." Me and the kid ended up playing the whole ride here. "Ok! Zeno! We will meet again soon to settle our tie!" Ha this kid is so happy he didn't even take into account I said Zoldyck. "Ha, have a good day Bexx." I then head off to go do business.

If you know you know

Bexx POV

HELL YEAH I GOT FREE ENTIRE TO THE ZOLDYCK MANNER! Oh yeah I should head to heavens Arena. I take my bag and open it to take out, a weave. Or wig however you wanna pronounce it. A pink cap, and put them on. I head to the line, and just as expected. There's people, I don't like people.

THE VOTES ARE IN, while vote.

Thank you @piffyEQ for being the first to comment and vote!

Have a nice rest of your day strange human beings!

[Male Oc reincarnated in HxH]Where stories live. Discover now