Chapter Thirteen

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Wakasa and Keizo are in there penthouse along with some of the member of the Black Dragon.  Originally the Black Dragon was disbanded after the 10th Generation but the Captains and the former Vice President decided to establish it again for some reasons. They still haven't decided who well be the President.

Inui resting in the living room with Takeomi and Keizo sitting on the couch. The other members are in the second floor and the others are on there room taking a nap since they have nothing to do.

Wakasa goes up to his room to take a nap as well. He was about to enter his room when he heard shouting on the second floor and he decided to go down to check.

He saw Izana and Kakucho fighting in the kitchen , Izana kicked Kakucho on his stomach and Kakucho grab Izana's hair , fighting like a girl.

Izana grabs Kakucho's neck and push him I'm the corner.

"That's mine , don't steal it ok? " He said as he panting so hard.

"I  saw it first , you're the one who stole it from me you half—half!!!" Kakucho trying to let go from Izana who holding his neck.

"I am the one who cooked that , So basically that's mine!!!!"  As he choke Kakucho.

"What  are you guys fighting for?"  Inui asked to them.

"Yeahh"   said by the others

"He stole the last piece of—

"I  cooked that fucking—

"ADOBOOOO !!!!!"   They both shout the ado— 'wait what?!!!'

"Pffftttt— "

"Don't laugh " They both warned them.


The people who witnesses their fight can't help but to laugh as well ,Wakasa just sighed and smile.

"So , you're fighting over Adobo?"  Kanji asked them who can't help but to laugh as well.

"Yeah , I just went to the bathroom and when I go back to the kitchen I saw Kakucho taking a bite of my Chicken Adobo who I cook almost for an hour!!!"  Izana shout as he sulk in the corner as he show to Kakucho his death glare.

"I was finding to eat something since my stomach growl. I went to the kitchen I saw the pot with the last piece of chicken , a shout to all of you if who owns it , but no one answered me so I decided to eat it but suddenly Izana punched me on my fucking prescious face!!!"  Kakucho said as he wipe a fake tear in his eyes.

"Yeah Yeah that's enough."   Kokonoi said to both of them.

"Just  cut it into half , so both of you can eat it." Shion said.

"Hmmmp  , Thanks but no thanks , I lost my appetite because of someone." Izana said glaring at Kakucho as he walked out to the scene.

"Then , thanks for the food I guess?"  Kakucho said in a low tone. The person who heard it just laughed and sighed.

Night time

Everyone went to there room to rest ,  Wakasa and Keizo went to the rooftop to relax. They almost reach to the rooftop when Wakasa was about to opened the door he saw a shadow on the door , he opened it but he didn't see anything that made Keizo confused.

"What happened Waka-san?"  Keizo said.

"Nothing " He replied.

They lay down on the ground facing the sky as Keizo start to talk.

"Are you sure it's ok for us to re-establish the gang? Since Shion disband it for some reason? Who's gonna be the President if no wants to take it? We're gonna be called 'The Headless' because of that. "

Wakasa chuckle "Don't  over think about it , someone will stand and willing to be our president. That time will come. Just wait ,all we have to do is to make our gang stronger." He said as he heard something on the other side. He get up pat his back and Keizo followed him.

They slowly approach where the noise came from , they almost reached the corner of the building and saw a shadow of a person when someone burst in from the door.

"What are you guys doing up here?"  He asked the two who like an idiot walking like a criminal who hiding from the police

Wakasa and Keizo turns there head and they saw Takeomi who looking at them with confused face. They turn there head again to the corner but the shadow didn't found.

'Where did it go?'  They mentally said.

"What are you looking for?And why aren't you sleeping yet." He asked the two with mixed surprise why they acting like that.

"Nothing, just ventilating we couldn’t sleep, and it was as if we saw something with a shadow there. Why are you here, and you haven't slept yet? " Wakasa said and Keizo nodded.

"Come  on, let's go back downstairs. Let's go to sleep, it's too late. We still have a lot to do tomorrow." Wakasa orders the two. They just responded to what Wakasa told them. Wakasa was about to open the door, he looked again at the place where he could see the shadow. They went downstairs and found Inui and Izana on the first floor watching TV. He ordered them to go to sleep, they followed Wakasa's orders, they turned off the TV and entered their room, the three of them also slept.

The trio left the rooftop as the person just took a deep breath because of the nervousness he felt, because wakasa almost caught him hiding behind the wall.

"I almost got caught. This is your fault." He said as he scolded the black cat next to him.

" He said as he scolded the black cat next to him

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