Chapter Seventeen

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Chifuyu , Hanma and Kisaki went to stroll around Shibuya as Mikey ordered them if something is wrong around the area. They stop to a ramen shop in the corner of the alley. Kisaki and Hanma sit in the other side and across them , Chifuyu sits near the glass as he rest his chin on his folded arms and stares at the outside. He saw a familiar blond and oceanic-eyee person standing on the other side of the road watching him. A dust went to his eyes , he rubbed his eyes and blink multiple times and looked again on the other side of the road where he find the no one.

The waiter serves the ramen on there table at starts to eat. Hanma share his garlic to Kisaki because he is allergic to garlic. Chifuyu found it weird but he just ignore it. A few minutes later, Kisaki stop eating and stares at the entrance , Chifuyu and Hanma notice it and also turned their his at the entrance as they saw a bunch of people with the same tattoo in there wrist.

They looked in their direction and they immediately turned their gaze back to their ramen and started eating again to avoid suspension. The bunch of group just ignore them and sits far from them that make them relief.

"If I'm not wrong, that tattoo is the symbol of Black Dragon that got disband already" Chiyufu and drink the soup. Hanma place his chopsticks beside his bowl , also followed by Kisaki.

" Yeah , maybe they used to be friends, and just got along. Even though their Gang will disband. Let's continue patrolling, so we can return early " Hanma said and pay the bills and exit the shop.

They are about to pass the subway when they heard noise coming from the exit of subway. They hide somewhere near the exit. They wait a couple of minutes when they heard loud and approaching voice from the exit. They stared and waited for who would come out.

Approximately two hundred people came out from the subway wearing same uniform , they all covered from head to knees ,black uniform with 'BRAHMAN' on the sleeves , and a white lining to the edges of their uniform. They can't see their faces because oh the hood of their uniform covered the whole head enough from them to see the pathway.

A man came out from the crowd with the same uniform but different design. They guess it as the Commander of the gang . He dial a number to his phone and speaks.

" Boss , we're arrive at Shibuya station"


"Yes , we bring it with us "


"Oh he's around here?"


" I guess we have to wait for him , what a troublesome"




" I think I found him , I'm hanging out ..."

They we're about bowed when the man in front of them stopped them and told them to follow him. The bunch of group starts to leave and follows the guy. Chifuyu , Kisaki and Hanma come out of their hiding place.

"Are we gonna follow them or should we turn and say the news to Mikey?" Chifuyu said continue staring the bunch of people walking away.

But in the end they decided not to follow them because they still love their life , they're afraid if they will get caught. Chifuyu saw a man selling dorayaki and decided to bought for Mikey and the others.

When they arrived in their base , Chifuyu give each Dorayaki to them an separate Three for Mikey , he went inside of Mikey's room and see him sleeping AGAIN on his bed . He just put the Dorayaki on the table beside his bed and left the room.

Chifuyu didn't know that Mikey was awake ,Mikey sat on his bed and stares the food on his table . He sighed and pick one Dorayaki and sadly takes bite it and munched it slowly. Fears flowed down from his eyes and continues munching the Dorayaki in his mouth not paying attention to his tears.

*Sniff* " I miss y-you" Mikey stop munching his Dorayaki and hug his pillow and cry. He still can't get over what happened his Takemichi and he didn't pay visit Takemichi on the hospital because as long he see Takemichi laying down on the hospital bed, a flash memory of his dreams always coming to his mind .

"Take....mitchy..." Because of exhaustion , Mikey fall asleep with his messy face while hugging his pillow, in a sitting position and holding his Dorayaki. Draken was hiding in the corner and heards everything. He walked closer to Mikey and fixed his posture he slowly grab the Dorayaki that was holding by Mikey and put it on the tablet beside the bed , carefully not to wake Mikey. A cute snore he heard from Mikey , he just chuckle and exit the room.

When he goes outside , he went to kitchen and prepare some snacks to them. He prepare origini as Chifuyu saw him at the kitchen. Chifuyu came closer to the kitchen and help Draken making origini.

"So... You know?" Draken got confused of what Chifuyu asked him

"Know what?" Chifuyu point the tattoo on Draken's wrist. As he gets what Chifuyu meant. He hummed in response.

"When are we gonna tell them that— " Chifuyu was cut off by Baji who come out in front of them and grab some origini and start to eat it.

"Tell what?" Baji asked

"W-we plan to tell you that me ,Kisaki and Hanma went to stroll around Shibuya and we saw some members of Black Dragon around the area that's what we are talking about." Chifuyu said naturally  prevents him to  trembling with fear.

"Oi!" Draken rebuked Baji to stop him eating all the orinigi that he was making.

Mitsuya came out from nowhere  , he goes to Baji and place his elbow on Baji's shoulder and take a bite on orinigi  from his hand.

"Mikey just wake up and tell me to inform you that we are having meeting about what Hanna's Squad saw at Shibuya station and Ramen Shop. Also to prepare a plan for upcoming war on Valhalla next week."


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