Chapter Fourteen

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"Shhhh! Keep quiet!" He said

"Meow ... Meow... Meow"

"You're kidding right?" He said as he stands up , walk away from the stubborn cat that's still following him.

"Come on!!! Stop following me!" He said in frustration.

He was about to enter the door when someone in the other side open the door. They both didn't move as they saw each other.


"A-ahh Hi?" He said smiled awkwardly at Wakasa.

"Meow !"

...Early in the morning...

Kakucho wake up early because of hunger. He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and take some bread , he was about to go back to his room when he saw Wakasa and Keizo in the living room. Talking to a cat.

'Have they gone crazy thinking about who will be the next president? So they're just talking to the black cat?' He mentally said.

"Good Morning" He said and went back to his room when he heard Wakasa talking to a Cat.

"And what are you doing up there? Who sent you here?" Wakasa said


"How come you got stuck there, we didn't see you here climbing to the top, and you also couldn't enter because there was a guard at the gate." Keizo asked the cat.


"Are you guys lack in sleep so you are talking to the cat. You look crazy there. Talking to the cat early in the morning." He said to them as they notice Kakucho munching a bread.

"Oh you wake up early , Kakucho. What a surprise , what did you eat and woke up early." Keizo asked him

"Nothing , I was just felt hungry so I woke up." He said as he take another bite. "Why are you talking to the cat early in the morning?"

"A-ahh Because we found this cat on the rooftop . Since we don't have a cat so I wonder why there is a cat upstairs." Wakasa said.

"Why do your cheek turns black?" Wakasa asked as he pointing Kakucho's cheek.

"Oh you mean this?" He said pointing gif right cheek. Wakasa nodded. "This happened when Izana punched me yesterday because of the fvking Adobo , it's still hurts you know , that half -half punched me so hard." He caressed his cheek.

"Stop that while it's still early before you go completely crazy" He said , he goes back to his room on the second floor with his bread.

Wakasa and Keizo just take a deep breath and glare to the cat. They went to somewhere bringing the cat with them.

...Meanwhile at the Valhalla's hideout...

Fuji was being lovey-dovey with Eichi on the living as there boss approach them. The two didn't notice their boss who staring at them being lovey-dovey.

Fuji stop clinging on Eichi as he heard a click sound coming from their boss gun who aiming at his forehead.

Eichi stands up and went behind their boss who stick his tongue out on Fuji.

"Nah ,just kidding" Their boss said , he put his gun back to his back and smirk.

"Boss, Don't do it again. It's not funny you know. My soul left my body for five seconds" Fuji said dramatically kneeling on the floor and hugs their boss waist.

Eichi smack Fuji head causing him to let go hugging their boss. " Ackk! What's wrong with you baldy!" He shout as he sit across from his boss.

"Report" Their boss said seriously as they clear their throats.

"Fifteen out of Thirty that we sent to TOMAN were caught by their First Division Captain. Two out of fifteen survive after being tortured by Sanzu I think? One is eyeless ,holds as hostage by Mikey and the other one is full of wounds and bruises on the bod- " He was cut off we their boss ask.

"Eyeless ?" He asked smiling maniacally.

"Y-yes , Kenji reported to me , he's now the his room resting since he's whole body was beaten." Fuji respond. "So they take the bait?"

"What happened to the fifteen left?" He ask.

"For now ,they still waiting for your plan , since they're still beginners. Sana was still at the TOMAN's territory. Shout we abort the mission since we have been discovered?" Eichi said drinking his favorite tea.

"All the preparation are ready?" Their boss asked and they just nodded on response.

"Great! One month from now , the war between TOMAN will start . Deliver my message to them. So that they will make there own preparation as well. "

"Hai !"

...Back to Wakasa and Keizo...

"So that's all ,and that's why I'm here . I hope you can help me since you're the only one can help me... I guess?" He awkwardly said to them who still try to process what the guy said to them.

"You mean you're- " Keizo point on the guy who looking down not want to make eye contact with him

"Yeah" He said playing with the sand on the ground.

"I didn't expect this so don't talk to me first while I still don't accept what is happening to you and me." Wakasa said while stunned.

"Don't overacting Waka-san , it didn't suit you at all ,you look like idiot." Keizo said as he tried not to laugh at Wakasa's reaction.

"Alright let's go back! " Keizo offered to the two who just nodded.

They start walking when the guy who's with them stop and looking at someone's direction.

"What happened ?" Wakasa asked him

He didn't respond but he removed his mask and look surprise ,he muttered something but they didn't hear it because the surrounding was to loud. He started to walk when the two notice that something isn't right , they parted ways but still followed their companion.

 He started to walk when the two notice that something isn't right , they parted ways but still followed their companion

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