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Laurens POV

"How do you do it, Kiara? How do you do it every time?" I ask her while I sip the beer which we stole from the store.

Well - which she stole for the both us.

"I swear, every time you have a bad day I think to myself first - well shit, here we go again. Going to have my heart in my throat again today."  I pass her the beer bottle. Its weird how they never call the cops. I'm pretty sure that they realize that we are underage."

She takes a sip. "Of course, they do silly. They don't call the cops because we are underage. Its them who don't want to get in trouble. " She passes me the bottle back.

I don't know if it is the buzz from the alcohol or the heat from the sun of mid summer , my mind cannot make sense of her words I just nod my head at her and keep on drinking.

She looks me in the eye and say, " Its easier to get in a sticky situation than it is to get out of it..."

I wake up with a jolt. Something is ringing. 

Yeah right. My phones alarm is going off.

I turn to my side table and turn the alarm off. It's seven in the morning. I inhale slowly and exhale even slower. The dream I was having - which is actually a distorted memory - worked me up quite a bit. Now that I've calmed a bit, I think back to all the time Kiara tried to tell me in so many ways that she was scared and she needed help.

No. I'm not going to enter the vicious cycle of "what if". I'm going to get up and have a wonderful day because I know for a fact Kiara would come back to haunt my ass if I use her as an excuse to lay here in bed and sulk all day.

I smile at the thought.

God, I miss her.

And with that I jump out of bed and open the curtains. It's a beautiful morning . And by that I mean - its not raining and the wind is bearable.

Yes, this will do nicely.

Its Sunday - which means I don't have to face calculus or  Blake for today. Well, that needs to be celebrated. Especially because I don't have to face the awkwardness of meeting him after our very "EW-WY" kind of encounter yesterday. 

I pick up my phone and text Quinn :

Do you want to go out on a day date today? Nothing Fancy. Very casual.

Look at me communicating like a four year old. But I think he will get it. He's probably used to it by now.

The reply comes within a minute.

Sure. Where do you want to go?

I pause. Of course, I don't know where I want to. I never know where I want to go. There's so many places we could go. But what if I choose some place where he hates it and then hates me for picking a place like that. Why do I have to choose? Why would he put me in a position like that? Doesn't he know any better? He's my boyfriend. Shouldn't he at least have the potential to be THE one? Maybe we are not meant to be..maybe..

Oh never mind, he texted back.

Since you hate choosing places - maybe we could go to the small carnival that's set up at the end of the town . Its got some fun rides.

I smile. And then I promptly stop chewing my nails and feel ever so grateful that we live in a universe where no one can read no ones mind. Because THAT was hella embarrassing.

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