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Lauren's POV

" Can you please stop?" I ask annoyingly.

"Stop what?" he asks .

"I don't know...talking perhaps," I say.

It's been 10 minutes of him talking continuously . I don't even know if this guy even breathes. If I didn't hate him, I would have seriously suggested him to be a rapper. Not even kidding.

He flashes me on of his hey-i-won-the-oscars smiles and says, " But you are my partner. Aren't we supposed to know each other in order to work together?"

Thanks for reminding me that, douchebag.

"Look I don't know what's the projects gonna be but whatever it is I'll finish it completely by myself . All you have to do is just sign your name at the end of it. Okay?"

"Of course not, ugly. I am your partner. And as your partner I've equal rights to be a part of this project as much as you do. And if you don't let me do my part I'll have to tell Mr.Patrick about that and I don't think he likes you that much."

I sigh.

Fuck! Why does he have to be so right?

I look at him and say, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I care about my grades and I like to be a part of something that I'm supposed to be a part of."

"No not this. As in..why do you wanna be my partner? I know it's not for my looks or my impression over you."

He leans in a bit and whispers,
" Maybe it is both."

I stare hard at him and say, "Look whatever it is you are upto, let me just tell you this," I lean in and say, "ITS NOT GONNA WORK."

I kept looking straight into his eyes and vise versa. Won't eyes were kinda watery from not blinking. Oh well...

Desperate times need desperate measures,L. Keep your eyes open.

It was like we were having some kind of eye war and whoever blinks loses. I could see him struggling like me but still holding me.

Fuck! Blink already.

I can only imagine how far this "eye war" would have gone if the bell hadn't rung. We lost our eye contact as we gaze outside as a habit of any teenager when they hear any bell. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

I turn my gaze towards him and suddenly we both realize something at the same time.

We were pretty frigging close.

His face was like an inch away from me . We were so endorsed in having our "eye-war" that none of us noticed how close our faces were.

We both jerk back at the same time. I quickly arrange my bag and dash out of the room with one thought on my mind....

His eyes...they are really a unique color of green..

Blake's POV
What the fuck Blake?

When the bell rang and I looked back at her...her face was so close to mine. It was was like...we were about to kiss. But thats not what I have a problem with. What I have a problem with is...

I didn't hate it.

For one second I forgot the class, the teacher and what that bitch did to me at the cafeteria. It felt like it was just me and her. I felt ..calm.

And I hate it.

Now as I'm driving myself to my house I'm wondering if I'm just like any other boy who can't control their hormones and gets horny for anything with tits and..other female parts.

Although if I really think about it, this might actually come into handy. She might think I'm actually sorry and start trusting me.

Ring ring!!

I grab my phone from the seat without even looking.

The screen showed "Bitch #1 calling".

I pick it up and say, " Yeah Jason. Did you get what I asked for?"

"Yeah Blake I did. I have all her informations with me right now. Do you want me to bring that to your house ?"

"No it's okay. I'll be there tonight. And Jason, call others. We make the plan tonight."

I hang up without even giving him a chance to say anything.

I hope tonight when we'll have a plan it would be easier to accomplish what I want and mistakes like today won't happen ever again..

I'll make sure of it.


Wassup good people? And no I didn't call you a good people because you read my book. 😅

Jokes apart I can't even begin to tell how much grateful I'm to you guys for taking your precious time to read my book. I promised that I'd try to upload quicker and I'm sticking to my word just for you guys.

Special thanks to @IbajoplinMKkongor for being the first one ever to comment on one of my chapter. I love you so much yo... 😍😘💕

And last but not the least ...the usual stuffs. Click on the star button to vote if you liked this chapter or the story, comment(let me know what y'all thinking) and share this story if you want to.

Okay adios for now lovelies...byee.. 💞😊

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