ask the avengers pt3

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A/n, Sorry, I didn't update in a while, but you gotta get used to it..

Hello Avengers, we are back again in a new episode of Ask the Avengers. Today's first question is:

'do the avengers Do the Avengers have a pet? '

Sam: yeah, what do you consider that spider kid, you think that we keep him in here to help us save the world, no,, we are keeping him as our pet.

Bucky: Yeah, you are right.

Sam:and hey, what about that man with the cat suit.

T'challa: and what about your bird clothes .

Tony:ohh, I think that's enough,we will buy a puppy soon, next question please.

'tony,Clint, are you making a competition of who will adopt more kids, like I think Clint just adopted Kate and Wanda and tony... He adopt every kid he find in front of him. '

Clint: who adopted who?, I...I didn't adopt anyone-

Natasha:Yeah, ignore him. He just doesn't want anyone to know that.

Tony: she is right and no, we are not making any competitions because everyone knows who will win if we make one.

Kate: if you don't mind, but he is already planning to adopt me, our only problem here is mom and her ugly fiance who I know is hiding something,, and I will find it, this...

Steve: language

Clint:she didn't even say anything, and no,, I'm not going to adopt you.

Wade:aww, what a cute father, trying to hide his daughter so no one can hurt her.

Clint:urgh, next question please.

This is really funny and a great question, Clint, don't even try to hide it, our next question is

'are you guys planning to tell us how nick fury list his eye?'

Natasha: nope

Peter: uhhh

Shang-chi: you mean that man with the eyepatch, yes. I want to know how he lost his eye, someone tell us.

Clint: nope, I don't think so.

Carol:I know, it all started when he and goo-


Carol: I don't know how, please,, if there's anyone who kno, tell us.

Venom: what a scared chicken,if I knew I wouldn't hesitate to tell everyone.

Bruce: Eddie, can you tell your, uh, other guy to don't if he wants to stay alive.

Loki: no one is planning to say, next question then.

Ok, venom is right, you all are scared lil' chickens, our next question is

'tony, will you marry me?'

Natasha:*raise her eyebrows and looked at Tony *

Tony:sorry, I'm already taken, hehe.

Clint: good job stark, you answered the question right, you just saved yourself from death.

Good job Tony, you managed to stay alive for one more day. The next question is.

'hey Kate,Wade and all the new avengers, congratulations and welcome to the avengers, we are really happy to have you here guys'

Wade: thank you, and believe me, you will never regret it.

Kate: yeah, Wade is right, we are happy to keep everyone safe-

Clint: by destroying a whole the bell tower.

Kate: urgh, come on Clint, you know, I didn't want all of this to happen.

Matt: all humans make mistakes. It's a normal thing...,but not destroying a bell tower.

Tony: I can pay for that-

Kate: that's so kind of you, but mom already did.

Steve: he is always paying for everything that het destroyed behind us, so get used to him always asking 'am I supposed to pay for it' or 'urgh I will pay for it, I'm the teams billionaire after all'

Yes, that's right, but we were talking about something. I don't know why we are now talking about the bell tower and Kate, anyway, our new and last question is.

'is Yelena dating yet? And if she does, who is she dating and who is Bucky Dating?'

Yelena: That's uhh, a hard question. I don't really know.

Bucky:uh, I don't know, there's Steve, then there's Yelena. I mean, both of them are great, and-

Thor:friends, I don't think that friend Bucky wants to talk about it. Why don't we just leave him alone.

Tony:yeah, I think that's enough for today, thank you, everyone, have a nice day, goodbye.

*Tony said as he and some of the others got out after they said their goodbyes*

Steve:Bucky, if you want to choose Yelena, I don't have any problem, it's okay .

Yelena:no buck, choose him, it's okay. I don't even deserve you...


Clint:you didn't even say who you would choose...

Bucky: I said goodbye

*Bucky shouted as he ran away and the others shrugged*

Natasha: he won't choose any of you .

*Natasha said as she smirked and followed her husband and son*

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