H-Hisoka.. Is that..?

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No one.

Hisoka's POV

I was talking with Illumi and laughing until I heard screaming and crying. I thought I was just hearing things until I realized...

Kudo never came out of her room and my daf had walked in there, now I can hear her screams..

"Yall can hear that too, right?" Illumi asked. Everyone nodded.

I got up, "I'll go check," I said. I walked to Kudo's room and easily opened the door, even though it was locked. And what I saw.. I wasnt happy.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" I yelled. My dad was fucking my little sister!!

Niko ran to me. "Hisoka, whats wro-" he turned to see what I saw, "Oh my fuck.."

It was the first time I heard him swear.

He was pissed. Like me.

"Help! Help me!!" Kudo cried out.

Niko and I ran in the room and pulled our dad away from Kudo. He got up from the floor and fixed his clothes. Niko helped Kudo put her clothes back on and I picked her up in bridal style as she cried and cried and cried.

Niko walked over to our dad and pushed him on the floor. "That was disgusting of you.. Fucking your own daughter?!" He growled.

"Disgusting.. Absolutely disgusting.. And you say I'm the bad one.." I spoke, "Come on Niko. Grab her bag and lets go.."

Niko grabbed Kudo's bag and we walked out. I layed Kudo on the couch and she curled up, crying even harder.

Knock! Knock!

Niko walked to the door and opened it. I hugged Kudo and she held onto me tightly.

"Onii-Chan? Where are you going?" Kudo asked.

"Just.. somewhere. I'll be back.. I promise." I said.

"Dont leave me.." Kudo sniffled.

"I'll be back, dear.. I promise, okay?"


"I have to go, Kudo. I'm sorry.."

"You promise you'll be back?!"


"You swear?"

"I swear on Mama.. I'll be back.. maybe not soon, but I'll be back.." I kissed her head and walked away.

"I love you!" She yelled.
End of Flashback

I smiled. "I kept my promise Kudo.." I spoke.

She sniffled and looked at me as I wiped her tears, "Huh?"

"I came back.." I whispered.

She hugged me tighter than before and sniffled, calming down.

A girl walked over to the couch and seen Kudo. "Oh, my dear.. My darling Kudo, are you alright?" She walked around the couch, kneeling down and taking Kudo from my arms.

"K-Kimi!" She whispered, muffled in the girl's chest. It was her girlfriend, Kimiko.

"Yes, baby, I'm here. Do you wanna go out still or would you like for me to stay here?" Kimiko asked.

"S-Stay here-.." Kudo sniffled.

"Yeah, it is Lily's birthday after all. We should celebrate it and be happy!" Illumi tried lightening up the mood.

"R-Right!" Kudo pulled away and sat up, wiping her tears and making grabby arms towards Illumi, wanting Lily. Illumi handed Lily to Kudo and Kudo stood up, throwing Lily into the air the catching her, making Lily laugh and smile.

I go up and looked at Illumi, dragging him to my room and locking the door.

"Hm?" He looked at me in question.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a box. He stared at it and sat on my bed. I pulled out a bunch of things from the box until finding what I needed. His eyes widened.

"H-Hisoka.. Is that..?"

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