Chapter Two

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I watch the shadows carefully. I wanted to question him or maybe I shouldnt push my luck. He knew what I was and he understands.

"Why do you want me?" I ask curious. He could of picked anyone but he chose me. His head slowly emerged and I felt him beside my ear.

"Because your beauty caught my eye miss Kat." He whispered. I could feel his body pressed against mine. If I could I would of taken a deep breath but instead I looked nervous.

"Dont you have a mistress to get to?" I asked wanting to be out of his prescence.

"I've been on my own for a long time now Kat." He said moving to stand in front of me. I could feel him examine my eyes and tone of my voice.

"You don't need to be nervous miss." He whispered. I looked down at the ground when I smelt it. And he smelt it too. He sniffed the wind.

"There's a werewolf roughly half a mile away coming this way. You'll be able to see what the original are capable of." He say and slowly turned around and waited for the werewolf. I was frightened. In a few minutes I would see a werewolf ripped in half, torn practically limb from limb. I jump infront of him.

"Can I do it, please?." I begged lightly. He sighed and smiled. He stepped back out the way. The werewolf emerged from the bushes and roared loud and the ground shook a little from the volume of the roar. I slowly walked towards it trying not to scare it. It stood there with scars all over it chest and stomach. I kneel down on my knees and I extended my hand out, looking at the ground. It lunged at me and roared and slashed. I look into its eyes. Its tongue hangs out and it pants. I glanced over at Ashley as he raised an eye brow slightly and walk towards me.

"You were able to tame it?" He asked stunned.

"I havent done anything like this." I say looking into the werewolfs eyes

"Interesting." Ashley examined it and looked at me. I looked into its eyes and all I see Is A tormented person. I go to reach out but it backs away slowly. Ashley grabs its arm and twists it behind its back keeps it in place.

"Stay now."He said.

"No!" I shouted out suddenly. Ashley looked back at me and tilted his head.

"I would kill him miss. I can tell that you wanted to help him."

"Let him go! Please." I begged. Tears begin to form in my eyes. Ashley sighed and released him. I nodded at the werewolf and he turned and away back into the shadows.

I stood to my feet. Ashley turned to me and stood in front of me

"Only question for you is why did you let it get away?" He questioned with rage in his voice.

"Its still a person, a tormented soul but i know vampires hate them. Your meant to hate them." I say softly. I dropped my head as I was too ashamed to look at him. Ashley Walked behind me and slowly ran his hand up my back.

"Who says I was the first one to hate them? Who says I didn't want peace between the two species?" He said as I thought about it. He

Leant forward and whispered in my ear

"I didn't want this war between the two species." He said softly and walked away.

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