Chapter Twenty Seven

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Another car came speeding down the street again. Andy looked over my shoulder and grasped my hand. I turn to face the shining beams of the headlights. A vampire got out of the car and began to walk towards us. Andy pulled me around and stood in front of me and watch him closely.

"What do you want?" Andy inquired. His breathing quickened.

"Im not here to hurt you or the young lady. I know your father young lady." He said looking at me. The face was familar but I couldn't put a name to it. He was very short for a man and had short black hair. Andy narrowed his eyes and sniffed the air. He calmed down and relaxed, letting go of my hand.

"How do you know her father sir?" Andy asked nicely.

"Well we go way back and I was there when his wife had his first child." He says looking at Andy. I walked closer to him but Andy held my hand, restricting me to move any closer.

I raise an eye brow "How old are you sir?" Andy asked. So many questions for the poor fellow.

"Maybe 4000 years or so, Ive lost count but im here to take you to Paris." He said. Everyone knows about Paris. It looked like Paris wasnt a secret at all.

"I mean no disrespect elder but we can get there by our own means of travel." Andy replied and began to pull me away.

"Well i do have a private jet...." He said. I stopped Andy from walking. He looked at me confused.

"Wouldnt it be safer if we went with him." I look back at the elder vampire. He stood there with a huge smile.

"He could be taking us back to your family." Andy said concerned.

"True but i trust him for some reason" I whispered to him. Andy looked down at the ground and gave in. He turned back to face the elder.

"If she trusts you than so do I." Andy said. The elder vampire smiled and opened the back door to his car. I took Andys hand and walked to the car. I got inside it and put my seatbelt on. Andy sat next to me but i could feel he was uneasy with the vampire. The car stalled before starting. We drove onto one of the main streets that lead to the airport. We reached it in a matter of minutes and went straight to his private hanger where his plane was stored. We hopped out of the car and walked towards the private plane. The elder pulled open the plane door smiled at me. I smiled back and entered the plane. The inside was beautifully decorated but Andy was worried and inspected the plane before sitting down. I took the seat next to him as the elder entered and closed the door. He offered us food and drink but we kindly rejected it. I felt faint and a sharp pain stabbed my stomach. My wound wasnt fully healed and my dress was sticky with blood. The plane turned on and left the hanger and turned onto the runway. It smoothly lifted into the air. The elder stood up and went to the small kitchen.

"Not to be rude but whats your name?" Asked Andy. He turned around to see us.

"Names Frank." He replied.

"Andy and this is Kat." He introuduced us both. Frank opened a small cupboard and retrieved a mug at the back. It contained a long drip as he set it down infront of me. He poured blood into the mug. He held his hand out to me with the drip in the other.

"I wont hurt you but you'll die if you dont." He said kindly. I placed my hand in his and he turned my arm around, inserted the drip and began to pump the blood. I felt better after the mug of blood was drained empty. He slowly pulled it out and took it to the sink to wash it. Andy started to relaxed next to me. I noticed him looking around the plane once more.

"Nice plane sir." Andy spoke. Frank returned the mug back to the cupboard and sat down near us.

"Thank you. So what are youse two?" He inquired to Andy. Andy glanced at me then back to Frank.

"We love each other sir." Andy replied simply. Frank chuckled quietly to himself when Andy mentioned the word love. Andy's rage started to boil as he stared into Franks eyes directly.

"Thats a little strange dont you think? Last I heard she had a finacè." He said smirking.

"She doesn't feel the same way to him sir." Andy look over at me.

"At least I hope she doesn't." He added. I get up and walk to the bathroom leaving Andy looking at me a little concerned.

"Maybe you two should get some rest. Theres a spare room down there." Frank points down the hall to a wooden door. Andy thanks him. I sigh softly looking into the mirror and see nothing. Tears well up in my eyes and i get frustrated. Im sick of being this.. thing. Andy knocked lightly on the door.

"Everything ok?" He asked softly. I wipe my eyes and open the door and smile a little. He looked at me pulled me towards him and hugged me gently.

"What's wrong?" I pulled away from him.

"Im fine." I whipser softly and I look back at the Mirror. Andy watches me and looks at the mirror as well.

"You're absolutely beautiful." He says. I walk and face the mirror. Andy sighs still looking at me. I search for a image but all i see is the wall behind me.

"Would it be lovely to be normal." Andy moves closer to me and looks in the mirror. I see his reflection in the mirror. I sadly walk to the bed in the spare room. I sit down on the bed as Andy walks in.

"I havent seen myself before." I say. Andy smiles softly and sits next to me.

"I have a feeling most vampires haven't." He says.

"How long till Paris?" I ask. Andy kisses my cheek softly.

"At the rate a private jets travels, I'm thinking maybe 3 hours." I look into Andy eyes.

"We have 3 hours to ourselves. No interruptions." I try to hide my smirk.

Hey guys so I added Frank Iero, another band member just magically popped up. Don't forget to comment what you like or dislike about the story so far and don't forget to vote. ^-^

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