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"What were you thinking? A drone strike? Parker-"

"I still have to delete that picture," he cuts me off. He gives Edith the right instructions this time and I look over the seat to see Brad frantically swiping through his phone.

"Success," I say, looking back at Parker.

"What were you thinking? Jumping through that hatch?" He shakes his head.

"Somebody had to stop that thing," I say, adjusting my jacket to hide my pistol better.

"I thought you didn't use guns," Parker says.

"I don't," I reply.

"Is this a story I get to hear?" He asks.

I look over at him, thinking if I should share. "When I started training at the compound, I already knew how how fire a pistol. After a few months there, I had nearly a flawless shot. 98% accuracy, 98% precision."

"I had a brother. He was quite a bit older than me, by almost 10 years," I say.


"He died in Lagos," I continue. "But not in the building that was destroyed. He was in the street, undercover with S.H.E.I.L.D. He was caught by one of the suicide bombers, there was a huge fight, but eventually they shot him."

"I'm sorry," Parker says quietly.

"They shot him 16 times," I continue. "After that, I refused to use a gun. Until now."

Parker reaches over to me, putting his hand on top of mine. "We've all lost some one."

I look down at our hands before rolling my eyes and looking out the window, "What are you doing?" I pull my hands away from him.

"I-" he doesn't answer. He just leans back in his seat and looks out of the front of the bus. Part of me feels bad for condemning him. Maybe he was just trying to comfort me, but I don't need comforting. I need to fight something.


The new hotel is beautiful, with high ceilings and grand staircases.

"Wow," I say, looking around the lobby.

"April," Parker says, walking up behind me. "Fury is upstairs. We need to go."

I nod. He walks toward the stairs and I follow behind him a good distance away. I watch Parker slip into a room and I check the hallway again before stepping into the room after him.

"I can't believe I've come to relying on two teenagers to save the world," Fury says, putting his head in his hands.

"Two teenagers and an alien," I joke. Fury doesn't laugh. Instead, he stands up and walks over to the two cases we had on the bus. He pops them both open and grabs a throwing star from mine.

"The fire monster will be here tonight. I expect you both to be there when it arrives," he says, handing me the star.

"My classmates are here," Parker says. "We have to make sure they're safe."

"I've got it covered," Fury puts his hand up to silence Parker. Without saying anything else he leaves the room out of the window.

"Well, that was something," I turn the star over in my hand.

"What's his plan?" Parker asks, lifting his suit out of its case.

"Probably something indoors. Somewhere away from the carnival," I say, setting the star back in its case.


"The opera?" The majority of the class groans. Parker's eyes meet Ned's and they share a moment of sorts.

"Guys, maybe this will be fun," Ned says. "The opera can be cool. We just have to give it a chance."

"Thank you, Ned," Mr. Harrington smiles. "Now, everyone go get ready!"

Parker and I walk out of the lobby and to our separate hotel rooms. I quickly change into a sleek black dress I had brought with before hiding as many weapons as I could in my outfit. I managed to hide two steel blades in my hair (concealing them as hairsticks), a dagger along my ribs in a silk black carrier to blend with the material of my dress, a pistol strapped to the inside of my leg (a most uncomfortable spot but a nessesscary one), a bracelet and matching necklace withand my extendable spear in my tiny purse along with a tazer, a few more knives with their holsters, and a mask. No one is supposed to know I exist, I'll try to keep it that way.

I put on a layer of lip gloss and some mascara before stepping out of my room. I know I'll be fighting an Elemental later, but I'm still going to the opera first. I want to look good at least. I walk over to Parker's room and knock on the door. Ned opens the door and his eyes open wide, "Hey, April."

"Hey, Ned," I say. "Parker here?"

"Yeah," he nods, opening the door wider. I thank him and step in.

"Parker, are you ready?" I ask, briskly walking further into the room.

Parker straightens up as i approach him. "Uh-"

"We've got somewhere to be, you know," I cross my arms.

"Right," he clears his throat. I turn on my toes, trying to avoid slipping in my heels and walk back out of the room. Parker and Ned follow me out, walking down the stairs with me.

"Damn, New Girl," Flash says, filming all three of us as we walk down the stairs.

"Pig," I scoff as I pass by him. Mr. Harrington gets a quick headcount of everyone before we leave the hotel. As we walk to the opera, we can see the festivities just down the hill. The carnival is in full swing by now. How I wish I could go enjoy that instead of what I am about to do.

"Hey, April," I hear someone say from the other side of me. I turn to see Brad walking by my side.

"Leave me alone," I turn away from him.

"I want to apologize," he says, grabbing my hand to get my attention. I quickly pull it away again and give him a disgusted look. "I shouldn't have tried to throw you under the bus with that picture from earlier."

"Have you told that to, Peter?" I ask, crossing my arms and continuing to walk.

"Well, no but-"

"Then your apology means nothing," I cut him off. "Peter is the one you need to apologize to, not me."

"But he-"

"I don't care about this little rivalry you have decided to have against him," I cut him off again. "I don't care why you have it. I don't care if you think he deserves to be treated with such little respect. You play low cards, Bradley. At least he has some respect for you. He actually thinks you're a good guy, believe it or not. I mean, he's obviously wrong, but he still holds you in high regard. He would never take a picture of you when you're standing half naked in a place you thought was private and then run away away the evidence without giving you a chance to explain yourself. He's kind and smart and respectful. And that is why Peter Parker is twice the man you will ever be."

Brad slows his walking, hopefully in shock. I uncross my arms and speed up, feeling my heels click against the sidewalk. "It's Brad, actually!"

I laugh to myself and roll my eyes. As if I give a fuck...

april hogan // peter parker fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now