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At 10 years old, I started training in the Avenger's compound. After the 2012 disaster in New York, my uncle convinced his brother, my dad, to teach me self defense. Me being the way I am, I took my little self defense classes to the extreme. I trained 10, 11, sometimes 12 hours a day. I learned from the best. Nat took me under her wing. She taught me how to use anything and everything around me to fight. Steve taught me how to fight hand to hand. He also taught me to show respect and have honor and be humble. Bruce taught me health and medicine and kindness. Tony taught me tech, and he also taught me sarcasm and humor.

6 years later, well technically 11 for the rest of the world, and I know almost everything there is to know about combat. I'm just as smart as any agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. I still train like crazy. I have no social life to distract me and I don't go to school. And I still haven't faced a single real-life threat in my entire existence.

The Avengers have disbanded. Nat and Tony are gone. Thor is off the map. Steve is old. Sam and Bucky are doing God knows what. And Wanda has run off, heartbroken after losing Vision. Everyone has moved on. I'm staying with Uncle Happy. He got me a gym membership here and I babysit Morgan whenever Potts needs me to. I pretend that I don't hear her crying. I know she hates looking weak.

I was shocked when Happy called me.

april hogan // peter parker fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now