Dark night

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preface: Maneskin is friends with a German band called Dark Night and Victoria is secretly in love with their guitarist Y/N when Dark light comes to Europe what will Vic do?


"Vic!" Nica screams hugging me "we have missed you so much," My dad says helping me put my bags in the car. "So how was Germany?" Nica asks "Great, the food was fantastic," I say grinning "how was Dark Night?" my dad asks. We had met Dark Night about 3 years ago on a trip to Turkey we went to one of their concerts and they were some of our best friends, "they're actually coming to Italy in a few days" I say and my dad smiles they had never met any of the band but they had all heard stories.

"So Vic, are you going to tell Y/N that you like her?" Nica asks sitting on my bed "WHAT? no!" I say panicking "why You've liked her since you met the band like 3 years ago" Nica whines "Y/N is one of my best friends sure I'm close with the others in the band but jake, Luka and Jonas are just not the same," I say flopping down onto the bed "so Jake is the..." Nica asks trailing off "Jake is the drummer, Jonas is the Bassist and Luka is the singer," I say "oh and Jake and Luka are dating they have been since they were like 17 it's super cute I think they've been together for like 4 years" I explain. "So you and Y/N are best friends?" Nica pries "yes," I ask quirking an eyebrow "awwww look you're blushing".

____________________time skip_______

"Hey," Jonas says hugging me "hey where are the others?" I asked peering over his shoulder into the busy airport "Jake and Luka are coming they were being all cute so I left them" he says smiling."And Y/N?" I ask "oh she had some stuff to handle back in Germany but she will be here in a day or two, He says and my heart drops "oh okay," I say and my face falls "I know just the 3 of us isn't as good and I know about your crush on Y/n but she will be here in a few days," Jonas says hugging me "You what!" I scream "It's pretty obvious you look at her all doughy eyed, I won't tell promise"  he assures me "you better not" I threaten.

"Ah, Where are they?" Nica squeals jumping off the couch "Hi I'm Jonas, that's Luka and jake" Jonas introduces "and Sage?" Nica asks eyeing me "oh she's in Germany she'll be here in a few days" Jake explains "she didn't trust us to handle the paperwork so she stayed," Luka says laughing.

Jake, Jason and Luka all went to a bar Nica invited herself but I really didn't feel like it. My phone started buzzing and I begrudgingly picked it up "hello" I say into the static line "hey Vic" Sage responds "Sorry I wasn't there today, I'm about to board now I'll see you tomorrow" Sage says and a smile grows on my face, for the rest of the night all I could think about was Y/n. 

I wake up laughing and chattering from the living room I presumed it was Jaske, Jason and Luke but I walk out and see Nica and Blue hair, "Y/N!" I scream "hey Vic," she says hugging me "what are you doing here?" I ask my heart fluttering "I flew in a few hours ago and thought I'd surprise you and the guys" she says and Nica gives me the thumbs up from behind her.

 ____________________Time skip_________

"It's freezing out here," I say goosebumps appearing on my skin "here," Y/n says wrapping her coat around me "no it's okay really" I protest but the coat smelled like she and we were alone at night "Y/N," I say taking in an airy breath "what is it, Vic?" she asks turning to me "I-um" I stutter. My heart was pounding, the butterflies in my stomach jumped to life "Vic?" she asks tucking hair behind my ear "I can't do this" I say and pull her in close "Vic" she says and she closes the distance between us and our lips meet. Her mouth tasted like strawberries and coffee "Y/N I-" I start but then realise she had me wrapped protectively in her arms " Did you just kiss me?" she asks and all I can do is nod. "S-sorry," I say mentally kicking myself "don't apologise do it again," Y/n says kissing me. I pull away from her and realise that we were standing in a small alley "I love you Y/N" I say nervously "I love you too" she says and she pulls me out of the alley "fuck" Y/N swears "maybe not in the street but..." I smirk at her "funny, we're late to meet the others" Y/N says laughing.


Sorry if this wasn't very good this is my first one shot. 

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