truth or dare

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Y/N pov

"I'm bored!" Vic whines throwing herself onto the couch "Oo how about truth or dare?" Damiano suggests "no that's boring," Ethan says rolling his eyes "how about strip truth or dare then?" Damiano suggests "sure" we all agree and drape ourselves on various pieces of furniture. We started off easy with basic questions like when was the last time you broke the law, but then they dug deeper.



I did not want to do this I couldn't help but watch Y/n as she laughed along with Thomas as Ethan awkwardly answered a question I didn't want to strip in front of her. I am very rarely shy but I'd liked Y/n since we'd met her a year ago. "Vic!" Damiano says throwing a ball of paper at me "yeah?" Truth or dare?" he responds "truth" I swy barely listening to what he said.  "Who would you fuck out of the 4 of us?" Damiano pries, I begrudgingly pull off my shirt  I was not going to tell Y/n how I felt. My mistake though was forgetting that I wasn't wearing a bra.

We had played a million rounds and so far Damiano had no shirt or pants Ethan and Thomas had no shirt Y/N had taken off her hoodie I had no shirt. "Okay final round," Thomas says "Damiano truth or dare?" he asks "truth I don't want to stand up," he says lazily "when was the last time you..." Thoma trails off thinking "washed your sheets" Ethan blurts "what that is so lame" Y/n teases poking Ethan "2 weeks ago... I think" Damiano laughs. "Ethan truth or dare?" Damiano asks "dare," Ethan says making a face "I dare you to call your mum are tell her you're in jail" Damiano makes an evil face "she would kill me," Ethan says taking off his pants" Damiano sticks his tongue out in response "Y/n truth or dare?" Ethan asks Y/n make a cute face "dare," she says and an evil grin appears on Thomas's face. Thomas leans in and whispers something in Ethans ear and Ethan nods. "Y/n I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Vic," Ethan says with an evil look.

"I-i'm sorry what?" I splutter spitting my beer all over the floor. Damiano grabs my arm and Thomas grabs Y/n and drags us both to a closet down the hall. "We will time you," Damiano says slamming the door. The room was dark and I was brushing up against coats. "I'm turning on the light," Y/N says and the room is filled with light. I suddenly felt really self-conscious and wrapped my arms around myself and crumple to the floor so she couldn't see me "what are you doing Vic?" Y/N asks sitting on the floor next to me. "N-nothing," I say not meeting her eyes "then look at me" she demands, I look up and her face is inches away from mine and she lifts my chin so our faces were at the same level "why are you hiding?" she asks brushing hair out of my face "I-i um," I say searching for a believable answer. I open my mouth to give a response but instead I feel lips press against mine, Y/n quickly pulls away and her face goes red "I'm sorry" she says stepping back from me "never apologise for that mio amore" I say pulling her close to me. "I love you," I say truthfully and I pull her close to kiss her again "I love you too," she says and I pull her even closer. 

"You were right" A voice whispers through the door "Ouch Ethan!" Damiano says through the door. "What the hell" Y/N says pulling open the door, Damiano, Ethan and Thomas were awkwardly standing trying to act natural but were very clearly listing "ahh you kissed her" Ethan blurts hugging us both.


Sorry this was short but I thought it was a cute idea

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