Australian girl Part 1

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hey i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while. also this story is kind of based of what happened to   me besides obviously meeting maneksin (I'm Australian and got inline for maneskins Camden concert the other day but the venue was to full honestly the saddest thing ever we were so close there was only like 50 people in front of till we got in but they told as all to leave. 



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"Y/N! Y/N come on!" Kayley yells pulling me out the door. My little sister is jumping out of her skin pulling me toward the door. "I'm coming, i'm coming" I tell her pulling on my shoes. I was wearing a orange  suit (image 1) with large boots. Kayley was 16 so I had to go see the Maneksin concert with her. I did like there music but I wasn't a diehard fan like many. 

"Noo why!" Kayley cries, as we join the back of the line "I knew we should have gotten here earlier, I'm never gonna get to see them" she complains "it'll be okay I promise, at least we tried" I tell her. We sit in line for 3 hours, "I'm sorry kids no more tickets" the security guards says "No no please, we came all the way from New Zealand!" Kayley cries "Sorry kiddo" the guard says. Kayley and all the friends she had made in line sigh and back away. "Come on don't give up, why don't you go sit out the front and you can listen" I say trying to comfort her. "No!" she says not angry but hurt. I go and lean on the back wall of the bar and pull out a cigarette, Kayley and her new friends are all huddled around the corner. "Hey, do you have a lighter?" a boy asks I look up "Oh shit  you're Damiano" I swear "right sorry lighter" I say pulling one out "Here" I say handing it over. "Where is that accent from?" he asks "oh I'm from Australia" I tell him. "Wait seriously? how long have you lived in London?" he asks "Oh I'm just here on holiday" I tell him. "My sisters kind of  sad cause she really wanted to see you guys. Hopefully you come to Australia one day" I laugh as he hands me back the lighter. "Wait you guys came all this way and don't get to come in, hell no grab your sister" he tells me. "Kayley come here" I call and she runs over and screams "Oh my god ahh" she screams "Okay calm down" I laugh.

"Come with me" he says and leads us inside. "You don't really have to do this" I say as we step inside "Dami-" a blond girl says walking out from a room "H-hi i'm Victoria" she stutters. "Hi i'm Y/N" I say shacking her hand. "These 2 came all the way from Australia so I had to let them in" Damiano laughs. "Wow that's pretty cool" Vic says, "Well technically my sister doesn't live in Australia anymore" Kayley says "oh does she now?" Vic asks "yeah she's moving to Europe in a few weeks  but we're here on holiday first" Kayley tells them. We watched there show and it was fantastic. "W-wow you were really good" I blush "Thanks" Vic says hugging me. "So where are you going now? Before you leave you need to come meet the others" Vic says pulling me with her. She introduces me to Thomas and Ethan and we become friends quickly. 


I watch Y/N chat with the others and I I sit down next to I immediately feel comfortable with her  I lean on her shoulder. "Y/n can I go hang out with my friends?" Kayley begs, "I don't know" I say and Kayley looks at me with puppy-dog eyes "Okay fine, but text me and be back at the hotel by 11" I tell her and she hugs me running off. 

"So you're close with your sister?" I ask Y/n as we walk down the street "Yeah I guess, I'm not very close with my parents, as I got older we grew apart" she tells me. "So where are you staying?" I ask as wind blows and I shiver "are you cold?" she asks and I nod a little. Y/n pulls off her coat and wraps it around me, I pull it around myself tighter it smelt sweet like her. She was a huge calming presence, I spent all day around people and load noises but being with her  was a huge break. "You wanna get a drink?" she asks, "um sure" I agree walking into one of the pubs. I sit at a table and Y/N and I end up talking for hours by the end of the night I basically  knew everything about her but I was sort of drunk, and apparently drunk me has no shame around really hot Australian girls. "So wanna come back to my place" I ask reaching out to her, "N-no Vic you are super drunk and I've known you for like 3 hours, but I will take you home" she says wrapping an arm around me.

"Here we go" Y/N says laying me onto the bed, "sleep well Vic" she whispers she also left a note that said 'stay in touch' with her number on it. In my drunk dazed state I was convinced Y/N had spent the night, my bed, body and room all smelt of her, sweet and rich. But by morning with great disappointment  I released it was just her coat draped around me.

Once I was awake and looked hot I sent Y/n a selfie that said 'wanna hang out?" and I followed it with a message that said 'only if you want to'. I'd released how anxious and awkward I was around Y/n and how I worried what she thought. 

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