tinder part 1

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hey, I hope you're enjoying it sorry I haven't updated in a while. Most of this will be from Vic's POV 



"Vic come on we're on vacation you will meet a girl on tinder and then never see her again," Damiano says plucking my phone from my hands. "Dami!" I say "come on Dami she hasn't dated anyone in like 1 year and a half let her get laid" Ethan teases.  "We're going to be here for a month Vic you will have plenty of time to meet pretty Turkish girls," Thomas says pulling me from the couch "come on let's go get ice cream!" Ethan says walking out of the hotel room. The ice cream was fantastic but I was pissed at Damiano cause he took my phone. It wasn't like I was desperate for a date It just sucked that I was alone. 

The screen on my phone lit up and a message from tinder appeared I had matched with a girl named Y/n she was beautiful she lived in Istanbul and was a musician. We ended up texting all night and we set to meet up in a few days I asked her to plan what we were going to do cause I didn't live in Turkey and Y/n agreed. "So Vic you excited for your first date in almost 2 years?" Damiano teases. "Fuck you!" I say as I throw a pillow at him, "oh she's here!" I say excitedly "ask her to come up we want to meet her," Thomas says. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door "Hi you must be Y/n" Ethan says smiling "hi it's nice to meet you... Ethan?" She guesses "how did you know?" he smiles, "Vic told me about all of you" Y/N smiles "Have fun you two bring her back in one piece," Thomas says hugging me "or don't bring her back at all" Damiano screams laughing. 

Y/n was beautiful and I had done my research she was in a rock band that was huge in the Middle East and she was a fantastic drummer. "So what are we doing?" I ask once we leave the hotel, "well Ms de Angelis I did some research on you" she says tucking hair behind my ear and I feel my cheeks heat. "Hmm, so what did you find out?" I ask turning to her "that you really like pizza like any sane person, you play bass, and your dream date is shopping so I thought that's what we could do if you want?" she asks nervous "aww I would love to" I say touched. "So where are we going?" I ask tempted to hold her hand "wherever you want" she says "well I do really love vintage clothes" I say a little nervous "oo me too they have some great ones not far from here" she says grinning at me. "Vic what out!" Y/n says grabbing my hand and pulling me into her chest "the roads are crazy, here stand on the inside" Y/n says grabbing my hand again and pulling me to her other side. I couldn't bear to let go of her hand and not just cause it was freezing but because she felt safe. "Oh here's one of the vintage stores" Y/n points, after 20 minutes in the first store I had found a few things I liked and walked to the register, "oh no honey these are already paid for," the cashier says "what by who?" I asked confused "that cute girl you came in with" the cashier points "you didn't have to pay for my clothes Y/n," I say hugging her "what kind of date would I be if I made you buy your own clothes mostly cause I was gonna take you out for a picnic after this" Y/n says holding the bag for me  "you are the way to sweet you don't have to," I say hugging her again. We ended up going to 3 or 4 more stores and Y/n insisted on paying for all the things I bought. "We were going to go to a park to have a picnic but I think we will freeze our asses off" Y/N laughs  "we can still have a picnic if you want," I say a little disappointed our date may end "No Vic we will die out here" Y/n laughs and I smile "yeah but I don't want the date to end so I'll take freezing to death" I smile. "Or instead you could come to my place and we can have a picnic on my living room floor" Y/N suggests "y-you want me to come over?"  I panic "n-not like that" Y/n confirms.

Y/N had 3 other roommates none of which were home there were guitars and basses lining the walls and a drum kit in the corner of the room  "nice basses" I say admiring the walls "oh thanks this one's mine" she says pointing at a beautiful Bronco "you play bass?" I ask blushing "I dabble" she grins. "Okay Picnic?" Y/n asks "mm yes please I'm hungry", Y/N pulls out a blanket and begins laying down different foods. "This looks great thank you so much," I say trying not to kiss her, "well you know all about me and my family I want to know about you," I say shuffling closer to her. 


"Well what do you want to know?" I ask tucking hair behind her ear "what's you family like?" I ask "well I come from quite a big family I have 5 siblings 3 brothers and 2 sisters I'm the youngest but I don't see my family very often anymore cause when I came out they weren't super happy" I say and Vic pulls me closer. "I'm sorry" she says "don't be,my real family is the band they have always been there for me" I say and with that Vic pulls me close and kisses me. "Damn Y/N" Kane says swinging the door open "Kane!" I say when Vic pulls away "you must be Victoria?" Kane says shaking her hand "he is our guitarist" I say as Kane does a dumb bow. "Sorry I will go I just forgot my... um hat" Kane says grabbing a cap "you need a cap to go to your girlfriends house in the snow?" I ask raisng an eyebrow. "Whatever I'll go now" Kane says leaving, "so that's your guitarist? Will I get to meet the rest of the band" Vic asks kissing my neck "hmm well if you want" I say and Vic grins at me "wear were we?" Vic asks pulling me closer "will you tell me more about you?" Vic asks "what do you want to know?" I ask "why did you start playing the drums?" She asks "well, I got really bad anxiety as a kid okay to be fair that hasn't changed but I started to play the drums to help me clear my head and to help with my anxiety. 


All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and keep her safe and make her happy. "You're staring at my is there something on my face?" Y/N asks "no I'm just admiring" I smirk. "Oh shit it's snowing" Y/N says looking out the window "damn I can drive you back to the hotel now if you want so we don't get trapped" Y/N says "oh um yeah that's probably for the best" I say a little disappointed. We make our way out of the apartment "ahh!" Y/N says as she steps out of the building and sinks into snow "fuck! Sorry Vic I don't know if I'll be able to drive you home" She says as I help her out of the snow "if you want you can stay the night" Y/n offers. Panic rises in  my stomach I really liked Y/n but she was the first person I had liked in a very long time but I don't want to have sex with her I wanted to take it slow. "Y/n I-um I don't want to sleep with you not yet" I say nervous "no Vic I just meant you can stay the night I'll sleep on the couch if that makes you feel better" She says leading me to her room "here you can stay in here the rest of teh band probably won't be back they all have girlfriends" Y/n tells me.

 "Here you can borrow some clothes" Y/n says handing me a pair of pyjamas "I'll be on teh couch if you want anything" Y/N says "wait don't go will you stay in here with me" I ask nervous "of course vic" Is all Y/N says before crawling in next to me. The next morning I wake up with my arms wrapped around Y/n. "Morning Vic" Y/N says kissing me on the forehead, "morning beautiful" I whisper kissing her "I better get you back to your hotel" She says "or we could lay here a little longer and I could give you more kisses" I say snuggling into her chest.


I hope you liked this update. Let me know if you want any other members of the band or smut.

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