Chapter 2

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It's was early in the morning. The sound of birds chirping could be heard as the sun slowly shone through the window of certain houses. Then,...


"WAKE UP, YOU LAZY ASSHOLE!!", shout the girl with blonde hair after smashing the door room of her brother, causing the poor guy to shock out of his bed.

"NOT MY BELOVED FUCKING DOOR AGAIN!!", shout the brother angrily which his door room was almost destroyed by the smash of his sister. Haru looks at her brother in disbelief after hearing the fucking nonsense early in the morning.

"Yeah, you just cheated on Senju with your fucking door.", said Haru while walking away after showing her disgust reaction to her brother. "Wake up dumbass, I have to go to school and you have to go to college.", she said while walking down to the kitchen.

Seiyu was totally lazy to fight his sister early in the morning, so he just ignored her words and go grabbed his towel to take a bath.


"I make a bento for you.", said Haru after seeing her brother entering the kitchen. Seiyu just hums as he answers and sits down on the chair to enjoy his breakfast. Sitting in front of her brother, Haru also enjoyed her breakfast.

"You don't have any problems with the school, right?", asked Seiyu while eating his breakfast.

"Nope!", answer Haru. "My school life was really entertaining, to be honest. I also have some crack head friends!", said Haru in a cheerful tone. Seiyu was happy to hear that. In her previous school, she doesn't befriend anyone other than Hina, Emma, Yuzuha, and Senju, and members of Toman. Hearing she befriends at the school gets Seiyu to be less worried about his sister at the school.

"You don't mean Takemichi and his friends, right?", asked Seiyu while letting a small chuckle.

"Nahh...I make some friends, okay!!", said Haru while pouting with an annoyed face towards Seiyu.

"Haha~ good that you make a friend now.", said Seiyu while smiling warmly at her.

"You should make a friend as well, nissan.", said Haru while eating her breakfast. Haru really doesn't mean to say that but she really wants her brother to befriend others at his college. Well, Seiyu doesn't have any friend others than Eiji. And Eiji was no longer beside him.

"I will try.", he said with a smile on his face but his eyes were full of sadness. Haru didn't say anything and just stares at her brother with a worried expression on her face.


After bit the farewell with each other, both siblings just walked towards their destination on their own.

After a few minutes of walking, Haru finally arrived at the school which he was greeted by a familiar face at the front school gate.

"Ohayo, Haru!", said the guy with black and yellow hair who named is Hanemiya Kazutora with his friend beside him, Baji Keisuke.

"Yo! Haru!", greeted Baji in a cheerful tone which Haru stares at him in disbelief.

"Is he being the nerd Baji today?", asked Haru after scanning Baji who wearing his high school uniform properly with his hair are slicked back and wearing donning glasses. He even brought the book with many bookmarks in his hand.

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