Chapter 5

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In the comfort of plush ivory blankets in a room I did not recognize, I awoke. Sunlight pierced through the sheer white curtains as the summer breeze filled the room. The monochromatic decor looked like the stage room for an interior design magazine. When I sat up in the king-sized bed, the door creaked open.

"Miss Lucia." The voice was unfamiliar.

He continued, "I am Sergio. Mr. Vitale tasked me with your protection during your stay here. May I enter and explain the situation?"

Protection? I allowed Sergio in.

A well-built gentleman entered the room wearing a freshly pressed suit. He placed the silver tray on the desk before closing the door. I saw a pistol in a holster under his jacket as he leaned forward. Sergio approached me with the tray in hand.

"You are currently in Mr. Vitale's home. He is out handling affairs. His father died in the shooting last night."

Oh my God. My mouth fell open and the air left my lungs deflated. I forgot about that. The shooting last night claimed many lives, I'm sure.

"You may contact your family on the landline phone, but we ask that you keep your location a secret until we are certain you are safe."

"Am I in danger? What about Enzo? They killed his father."

"Many people saw you enter Castello Nero with Mr. Vitale. He fears you may become a target next. I assure you, Mr. Vitale has taken the necessary precautions to keep you safe."

Sergio placed a silver tray with simple breakfast foods on my lap. He stepped back before continuing, "Mr. Vitale should return in a few hours. You are permitted to enter the kitchen and the living room until then. The rest of the house is off-limits."

Sergio ambled towards the door as I stared at the food in front of me. Before he closed the door, he said, "If you need me, simply call my name."

Everything, including Sergio, was calm in a way that scared me. I felt like I awoke in a five-star hotel and not in Enzo's house after a public shooting. His father was dead, and I was the only one disturbed by this. I felt crazy.

Despite the sheets of the bed retaining the spicy scent of anise with a twinge of citrus, I did not realize I was in Enzo's bedroom until I opened the closet. I wanted to change out of my dress, and I thought I might find something.

I peeked my head out the door where Sergio kept watch in the hallway. "Can I borrow clothes from the closet?"

Sergio looked at me confused, "Mr. Vitale did not say anything about that. Would you like me to call him?"

"No, no." I closed the door.

They were just clothes. I was certain Enzo wouldn't mind if I borrowed a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

I finished the parfait Sergio delivered before leaving the room. My black dress lay on the bed with my heels on the floor at the foot of it.

"Where's the phone?"

Sergio flinched as he saw me in Enzo's clothes. Considering Enzo stood nearly a foot taller than me, I looked silly. However, I don't think that was why Sergio grew distressed.

"This way, Miss Lucia."

Down the stairs, Sergio guided me into the kitchen and pointed to an old rotary phone. I used to play with the one my parents owned during blackouts.

I dialed the number as Sergio stood on the opposite side of the room. After four rings, I heard, "Hello?"

"Jade, it's me."

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