Chapter 7

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Sergio struggled to watch the show between keeping an eye on the outside world and me. I had to pause and rewind a few times. He even asked if I could put on English or Italian audio, which never happened. Nonetheless, his level of investment in the show elated me.

"I can't believe it's over. I liked the ending though. Man, I'm going to miss them." 

Sergio began the first stages of grief as Angelo entered the living room from the basement where there was a secret entrance to the house from the outside.

Angelo carried a suitcase with him, I recognized it as my own with the Sagittarius charm hanging off the front zipper. He addressed me, and I leaned over the back of the couch to hear what he had to say.

"I've collected your clothes from your house." Angelo's deep voice tickled my ears with its constant monotone nature.

"Why does it look like you packed so much? How long am I staying here?"

"Your parents believe that you're going on a two-week vacation with Mr. Vitale. Your Aunt told me to tell you that she approves and is glad the match is working out for you."

"Two weeks!? I have to be here for two more weeks!? My aunt is your neighbor. She's going to know I am still in the house and not on some made-up vacation."

"I also brought your laptop," Angelo added. 

I realized that Angelo was just following Enzo's orders. I was barking up the wrong tree.

"Thanks," I muttered through clenched teeth. 

This was getting ridiculous and out of hand. He can't just keep me here. Maybe I could sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night and call the police. No, Enzo slept on the couch. Plus, Jade said the police didn't take the shooting seriously. They wouldn't do anything to help one girl.

Angelo approached the stairs, "Your belongings will be in Mr. Vitale's room should you need them."

I stormed across the house. Sergio tried to stop me, but Enzo instructed all his men not to touch me. I marched straight into Enzo's office. He looked up from his desk as the door hit the wall and scuffed the paint.

Sergio tried to explain, but Enzo dismissed him. I stomped up to Enzo until the desk was the only space between us. His eyes squinted with a seething rage.

"Why aren't you letting me go?!" 

I slammed my hands on his desk. Enzo put down his pen and leaned back in his fancy chair. His nostrils flared as he said, "Fratello, parleremo dopo.

Enzo hung up his cell phone, which was on speaker.

"Correct your behavior, Miss Lucia, before I correct it for you."

"I want to go home! You have kept me long enough! Nothing has happened!"

Enzo leaned forward, "I already told you that this is for your safety. Nothing has happened because you are here, and the Barbieri's are not stupid enough to storm into my house."

"I don't care!" 

Rage controlled my entire being at this point. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to throw something. I needed to do anything to get myself out of this situation.

Enzo rose from his chair. He walked around the desk. I turned my body to follow him, ensuring that he did not have the opportunity to surprise me. His steps were slow. Enzo loomed over me and cloaked me in his shadow. I backed into the desk as much as I could. Then, Enzo pinned my lower body against it with his before I could climb over the desk.

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