Chapter 21

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In the morning, I knocked on the dark wooden double doors leading into Enzo's office.

"What?" Enzo's voice strained as he sounded preoccupied with something important, but I opened the door nonetheless. He stopped typing on his computer and gave me his undivided attention, but his eyes spoke of something more. 

Maybe I should ask him next week.

"Sorry, never mind." I felt my cheeks grow flush. What was I doing? Am I a damned high school girl? I turned around and Jade shoved me into the room before closing the door in my face.

"Is everything alright?" Enzo questioned as I kept my back to him. I heard him stand up, and I whipped around. 

As he walked around his desk and leaned against it, I pressed my back against the door. I twiddled my fingers and mumbled, "Yea. Everything is fine."

"Look, about last night. I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I should've asked for your permission first. It's just that I waited a long time to do that, and I'm afraid I lost control of myself."

"No. I mean, um, there's no need to apologize. It was fine. I mean, it was... nice. Do you want to come to Sunday dinner at my house tonight?" I bit my bottom lip to shut myself up. God, I'm stupid. Get over yourself, Lu.

In his thoughts, Enzo sauntered across the room towards me. He leaned against the door, just like last night. In his shadow, I froze like a deer in headlights.

"You're so goddamn adorable."

"Is that a yes then?"

Enzo nodded in agreement, before whispering in a low husky voice, "I'll have to organize a security team, but that shouldn't be a problem." He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips that ignited a fire in me again. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his command.

He pulled back and whispered against my lips, "I have work to do. I need to hire a new CFO to replace me."

"Oh, okay."

Okay? Okay!? Get it together, woman.

Enzo chuckled and walked back to his desk. He sat down and started typing again. His focused expression shined a new light on his handsome features. He looked dignified and sexy like a young college professor that made all the female students swoon as he graded their work.

"If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to have to do something about it," Enzo stated as he continued working. I jerked my head to the side and looked away.

I cleared my throat, "I'll see you tonight."

What? I live with him. I'll see him all day.

A weird squeak projected out of my body as I ran out the door and almost tripped over Jade. She looked at me with a mix of disappointment and dejection. "You should have let him do something about it," she advised 

"Just help me pick something to wear!" I shouted and ran to my room.

Following hours of debate for Sunday dinner attire, Jade forced me into one of her sandy beige skirts. Its length was bound to give my father a heart attack.

Angelo knocked on the door as I tucked the front of my off-white sweater into the waistband. Through the halls, Angelo guided me to the motor court lined with six garages.

One of the garage doors opened to reveal a yellow sports car with the emblem of a rearing horse on the front and the back. In the front seat, Enzo waited for me to get in. Angelo opened the door as I teased Enzo, "Who are you trying to impress?"

"You," Enzo responded.

The drive was exhilarating. The recklessness in which Enzo weaved through traffic excited me. For once, I got to see the side of being involved with a rich man that was fun. Once we took the exit for my hometown, Enzo slowed down. He rested his right hand on the center console.

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