Beneath The Silver Moon

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I awoke with a startle. The ground roused me from my sleep, it's trembling frame belonging to a creature far bigger than myself. As it strengthened, I curled my black claws into the earth, anticipating it's arrival, and snarled. Yet, unlike this morning, these tremors weren't by the means of a fight, let alone a hunt. They were calm, collective, normal if anything. Once a scent became noticeable, alongside another satisfying aroma, I turned my head to take a peek.

Only to see the soft eyes of a pale hybrid staring right back at me.

The Indominus Rex was, in a way, far scarier to spot the darkness; glowing white eyes, a shadowed flesh, and massive talons that were perfect for ripping straight through bone. Though her initial appearance had no connection to the strange worry that filled her amber eyes. She looked hesitant to approach me, taking only small steps to keep a reasonable distance, not like her normal stomps that would put any smaller creature on high alert. Her tail kept low, a cautionary reaction to preserve my calmness, and soft grunts escaped her snout as she pushed through the colorless forest and into open space.

"Hi again." she mumbled to me. Before I turned away I noticed a massive piece of flesh swaying from her jaws, dripping red and staining her underbelly with a crimson tint. I could only snort back to her as she approached.

"I think you should eat."

Her jaws opened, and the massive morsel struck the ground with a heavy thud. I flinched slightly when it landed, and allowed my eyes to glaze over the meat that glistened like beacons in the moonlight. It carried a stench so strong that even I couldn't help but salivate over its properties. The tenderness, the smell, the warmth it gave off... It was just ripe for the taking.

And yet, despite all this, I couldn't get myself to even take a bite.

I didn't bother to move.

My sorrows won me over, and I turned away from satisfaction with a shallow whimper. The hybrid blinked, a bit confused by her rejected offer, and bent her head down to try and meet my eyes.

"I'm Indy by the way. Not that you care... or anything."

I kept staring at the wall before me, not saying a word. The hybrid grumbled a bit, taking a step to my left, and slumped to the soil with a soft growl. I felt the earth shiver a bit from her heavy landing, and tilted my head away from her eyes, just to keep my brooding moment going.

"Oh, and my apologies for the excitement from earlier," her voice chimed in. "Just... I've never had a sister before. Or a friend. Or... anyone... for that matter."

Although my eyes never dared turn back, my gaze softened from her words, almost as if guilt had washed over me. Indy turned to me again, flaring her nostrils to inhale my scent, then noticed the strange blackness that coated over my left body, all the way up to the dullness in my eye. It looked as though someone had poured fresh lava over my hide, and let it sit for a million years. That single thought made the hybrid shudder, and question my sake for her regard.

"What happened?"

My eyes sank to the ground, recalling the explosion that crippled me days earlier, and I snorted back in annoyance.

"What does it matter to you anyway?"

"I was just asking-"

"Don't. Please. I-I don't want to be reminded..."

"Reminded of what?"

I exhaled again, closing my eyes to hold back any incoming tears, then reopened them again. My claws curled into each other, and my tail steadied upon the floor. Once the hybrid realized I wasn't answering, she bowed her head with guilt and nodded.

Hybrids: An Indoraptor Story ✓Where stories live. Discover now