A Need To Know

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Click found Jameson at the local hospital nearest the burnt INGEN facility. He wasn't too sad to see his friend in such an injured state.

But he wasn't so happy either.

It took a few paperwork signatures, social distance talks, and air-hugs here and there to get the bruised INGEN worker out of his room to Click's fixed brown pickup truck, sitting idly outside the entryway under the purple morning glow. They said nothing on the way down the elevator, nothing limping through the hospital, and especially nothing as they sunk into the car. Each end of the spectrum held their breaths, withholding secret pains from sound and thought. Even after they zipped onto the freeway one hour later, this silence reigned on, all excluding the echo of the radio host blaring out buzzwords and cooked up music that neither one of them found enjoyable.

Not until Jameson noticed something odd.

"W-Where are we going?" grunted the distraught male. "Isn't your house the other way?"

Upon freeing his maw from the cloth of a COVID-mask, the male's jaws twitched, eyes still locked on the road.


"Something happened on the news recently, James. Something I need to see."

"Is this about Seven?"

He forced a breath, two fingers lifting to a button that shut off the radio. Now, only the sounds of the engine could be heard, and the jangling of metal from the trunk of the vehicle. Jameson kept his eyes steady and locked to the world ahead, as if blinded to what Click had done.

As well as the question that followed.

"What happened on Monday?"

Jameson stared off, gazing across the bumper edge of the vehicle, now lost in thought. For a moment nobody spoke a word, the empty silence filled by the drifting specks of dust and hair. Click snorted briefly, jerking at the wheel without a single warning, and knocking Jameson right out of his trance.


"Don't fall asleep on me yet, we have plenty of roads ahead of us," Click grunted. Jameson's eyes flashed.

"A warning would be nice!"

"Tell me what happened, James!" 

"Don't you care that I got hurt, too?!"

He pursed his lips, eying Jameson briefly, then nodded. "I-I do."

"Stop lying. You just want her-"

"Jameson, c'mon-"

"Is that it?!"

Click growled, relaxing his muscles on the wheel. "Just tell me, James." Jameson groaned, leaning his head back onto the window of the vehicle, eyes unfocused and locked to the trees rolling by.

"Tom, just stop..."

"I need to know."

"You don't-"

"Accidents don't just happen like that!"

He knew he wasn't going to win this argument. Rubbing his face with both hands, Jameson let out a warble of annoyance, and let his limbs fall limp. After another groan of pity faltered past his tongue, the grown man sighed. "A creature attacked us."

"What creature?"

James blinked. "I don't know."

"Not Seven-"

"No," said the male quickly. "It was black. Scaly. Had jagged teeth a-and red eyes."

Click's eyes squinted. "The Indoraptor is dead, I saw its corpse."

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