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I never moved so fast in my life.

    My body scrambled and pulled throughout the vents of the speckled building, often ramming into walls and tilted round corners despite knowing them so well. But memory was beyond importance now, beyond reason. Beyond time. Only three things remained in my head, things that I felt mattered more than simple taste of pain or pleasure.

    Indoraptor. INGEN. Tomorrow.

Indoraptor. INGEN. Tomorrow!

I should've known better than to consider myself safe. There was no victory in waiting for a miracle, like Blink said. Nothing good would ever come out of my patience, not even in situations like this. Click wasn't coming, neither was any other creature who matched my sake, or cared to even save us. This was all to reward Wu and his pitiful army a second chance to break me down and sell me like a pet. Greed was all he ever wanted, and, like freedom to a hybrid, greed was his hunger.

Indoraptor. INGEN. Tomorrow!

But, while a part of me wanted to flee right then and there into the safety of the forest, the other half urged me back into the cell, back to Indy.

Back to my friend. Because she was in as much danger as I was.

It took a while to squeeze my hide past the ruined blades of the dead fan and back into the cornered forest of her home. Though I didn't expect her to be ready for me, hell, I didn't think she'd be awake. Long before I could prepare a speech or a sentimental thought, her crimson shadow fell upon me, and a gnarled snarl rippled out of her parched fleshy throat. My quills flattened.

"Indy..." I faltered in my voice, sinking low beneath her vicious stare. "W-We don't have much time, but there's-"

"You... dare lie to me," the Indominus began, her every step toward me shaking the ground below, "and go behind my back after I told you not to..."

"Just listen-"

"-After I gave you every reason to stay away from that psychotic leech!"


"Didn't you?!" she snapped. I flinched hard, my tail dragging low beneath my underbelly in fear of her rage. Seeing the festering redness coursing through her eyes, I didn't want to risk another bloody incident to occur. My jaws trembled. Shying away wouldn't work either, even if she was the strongest of us all. I couldn't afford another excuse to debbie-down and succumb to her voice. Not again.


"YES!" I suddenly barked. "Yes... I went to visit Blink. And I've been going to him for the past month and a half through a fan in the wall, because I convinced myself that I will not spend another wretched minute rotting away in this cage! Eating these cold slobs of meat, and staring at the same pathetic trees, rocks, and gravel that you so desperately love. I want my friend back... I want to leave."

    Indy's eyes narrowed. "For the last time... we can't leave-"

    "No, you can't leave, because you don't want to! But I do, and I will!" I shrieked, baring my fangs at her. Indy scowled.

"Then why don't you? You had your chance before you slithered on back here, feeding on my anger like a parasite. Why don't you just run off like a coward-!"

"You think I just came back here to fight you all over again? I came back because I care about my sister, even if she's wrong. I care enough to warn you!"

    "About what?" Her snout wrinkled in disgust. "You're following the ways of an outsider-"

    "A hybrid," I interrupted her, feeling my quills rattle down my spine. "Who knows more about the world than the two of us combined. And, frankly, the only creature who understands what's about to happen if we don't leave tonight!"

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