Yandere!Fatgum x Reader

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➤ Day 14: Compromise "I'll be good! Just, please - don't go!" | Try to use complementary colors.

"Don't go."

He stood in the middle of the room and looked at you with big puppy eyes. Such a huge man - in every way - and still, sometimes he reminded you of a small child. You ruffled your hair in frustration. How could you possibly be mad at him? You knew that he just guilt tripped you but ... damn, it worked.

"Please, honey. We can work this out, I'm sure." "How many times have you said that now, Tai?" That question seemed to hit him real hard. You almost regretted asking it. Almost.

"I'll be good! Please, just please don't go!" Knowing that looking at him now would most likely break your resolve you just turned and left. Closing the door behind you while hearing him still calling after you, pleading - it broke your heart. Still, it was for the best like this. For both of you.

You had to move on.

After the break-up you stayed with a friend for a few weeks before finding a little apartment for yourself. You had to admit, you missed him. He knew how to make you laugh and - one could never forget this detail - he was one hell of a good cook.

Yet you didn't miss being in a relationship with him as strange as it was. You couldn't look the other way every time he did something strange. Like when he told your friends you wouldn't come just so he could spend the evening with you or when he cancelled your reservation for a short trip - just a week to get away from the city - because it could be unsafe to go alone. He even made a timetable for you like it was very important that you were home at the same time every evening - and he could get pretty mad when you did not come back at the aforementioned time. It was ridiculous!

"I'm not a child after all," you mumbled, picking up a glass of juice from the table. Strange, you didn't even remember putting your glass there. Shrugging your shoulders you took a sip and walked back into your little kitchen only to freeze right in the doorframe. There, on the counter, stood a single glass of juice, exactly where you remembered putting it before.

The other hand fell from your hand and shattered on the floor but you didn't care about the mess you made, too busy holding on to the doorframe.

You felt extremely dizzy and drowsy all of a sudden and hearing footsteps behind you added nausea, too. Someone pulled you into a gentle embrace, supporting your weak body. The feeling was familiar as was the smell.

"T- ... Taishiro ...?" Your voice was weak, merely a whisper but it seemed he heard you as he let out an affirmative hum. "Of course, buttercup. Don't worry now." Trying to fight off sleep as best as you could you tried to look at him, opening your mouth to say something but no word would come over your lips. The heavy feeling of sleep and the weakness in your limbs made you panic but you couldn't do anything.

"Don't cry, honey. I'm so sorry but you left me little choice." Gently he wiped away the tears and held you a little closer to his chest. He was all slim right now, maybe that's why you didn't notice him?

It was getting harder and harder to stay awake now. "Don't fight it, sugar. Rest assured, once you wake up again you'll be home. Safe and sound with me." His signature big smile was the last you saw before the drug infused sleep finally took over.

"I'll be good, muffin and ... I'm pretty sure you'll be, too."

Picking you up he carried you out of your apartment, closing the door behind you.

"You know what I'm also sure of? That you'll never leave me again, cupcake. Never again."

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