Blurred | Overhaul x Reader

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You were feeling extremely dizzy. With your hand at the wall beside you, you walked slowly down the stairs hoping that you'd finally find some people down there or, preferably, a way outside. This day had been quite the trip, one could say. You couldn't even remember how you got here or where 'here' is exactly. All in all, it was weird and you weren't feeling too well.

Still you remained hopeful. Maybe someone around here could help you? Or at least tell you where you were right now and how to find someone else to help.

Were your friends around somewhere? When you had woken up in that small room you had been all alone. It was all so very strange. Tonight wasn't the first night you went out with your friends and the club wasn't new either. Never had anything happened before.

You let out a sigh and sat down, leaning against the wall. The world was spinning in front of your eyes. It was a strong feeling of helplessness that overcame you.

When you reached up to brush your hair out of your face you could feel something wet at your temple. Were you bleeding? Strange, it didn't even hurt. You closed your eyes - they were unfocused and hurting anyway - and tried to listen to your surroundings. There were footsteps somewhere close by but you couldn't really pinpoint the direction they were really coming from ... but just sitting here would bring you nowhere, right?

Trying your best to not fall you stood up again and continued down the stairs. You held on to the wall for support but you still stumbled a lot and almost fell down. It seemed like an eternity had passed when you finally reached the end of the damn staircase. With your blurred vision you couldn't tell if you should go one way or another. Did it even matter? Everything just seemed to be different shades of white and grey for you. It was light, so you must be inside somewhere, but figuring that out didn't really get you closer to anything. Lost in thought you continued to just follow the wall.

Why the hell were you here to begin with? Who brought you here? Would they hurt you?

There was nothing really special about you. You lived alone and your family wasn't wealthy or well known, you had a mundane job and a mediocre quirk, that wasn't really useful at all.

You weren't really useful at all.

Hearing something close to you made you stop dead in your tracks and look around cautiously. Was somebody there? You couldn't see anyone.

"There you are, (Y/N)." The voice startled you and you lost your footing, but before you could hit the ground somebody caught you. They continued to support you so you wouldn't fall again. Now you also knew why you hadn't seen the person before. It seemed that he or she was dressed completely in white and as all around you was somehow white and your vision really blurry ...

"Who are you? Where am I?" There was something dark where you thought his face should be. Was he wearing some kind of mask? "No need to panic, (y/n). I'm Chronostasis." He - as you judged by his voice - didn't bother to answer your other question but before you could repeat it he had moved to pick you up and started walking somewhere. The action only added to your dizziness and you desperately clung to him to have at least some kind of support.

"Do you know what happened? Where are my friends?" He clicked his tongue. Was he irritated or annoyed? Or something else?

"They are not here," he finally stated. You had figured that much but didn't dare to ask him more questions. Over the way he had carried you your blurry sight had slightly gotten better again and, to be true, now that you could see his mask he scared you quite a bit.

Chrono stopped in front of a sliding door and - after opening it with some difficulty while holding on to you - brought you inside. The room looked a little like a room you'd find in a hospital or maybe a laboratory. He sat you down on some kind of chair and turned to go back outside.

As you were still feeling dizzy, even though your sight had gotten better again, you were pretty much stuck in that chair switching your attention from watching Chronostasis in front of the room to the room itself. It really did remind you of a hospital room somehow, just that this was clearly no hospital ... or was it?

You looked to the door again when you saw Chrono move. There were some hushed voices and then another man entered the room. He was wearing a mask, too, but you could see more of his face. None of his features struck you as familiar. No, you were pretty sure you had never seen the man before, still he looked at you as if he saw something in you. Some kind of potential. You heard the door close and looked at it, giving him the time to vanish from your field of vision.

"Tell me, (y/n), why did you leave your room?" His voice was coming from somewhere behind you. You didn't even try to turn towards him. Moving in itself was quite bothersome right now. "Answer me." He sounded quite irritated, it unnerved you. Also, how did everyone here seem to know your name? "I was just very confused after I woke up in the unfamiliar environment," you answered timidly. He came back into view, having changed his strange mask to a surgical one. "Understandable" he responded, looking at you. "I guess I should have told someone to wait in the room until you woke up." The sympathy in his voice didn't reach his cold golden eyes.

"Where am I anyway?" He probably won't answer, but you would never know that for sure if you didn't ask. "That is of no importance to you." No answer would have been better after all. That one deeply unsettled you. "Why am I here then?" He didn't react, instead he moved your arms to lay on the armrests of the chair seemingly uncomfortable with the action. You were quite surprised when you found that your arms were actually strapped to the armrests. When had he done that? Now you were definitely starting to panic.

He stepped away from you again. "You know, you have quite the interesting quirk." Oh no, you hadn't, but you were too preoccupied to try to get out of the straps again as to actually answer him. "An erasure quirk", he mumbled while pulling some syringes out of a cabinet.

When you saw the medical instruments in his hands you looked at him in horror. "What the hell are you even going to do?" "Just some tests," he stated nonchalantly, not paying you any attention.

"Are you even a doctor?" He looked up at you, syringe in hand, golden eyes shining and you thought he might even smile behind that mask of his. "Of sorts," he said, approaching you.

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