Gathering herbs gone wrong | Dabi x Reader

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So, this is actually my first bnha oneshot and was supposed to be a little thank you^^

It's a (very) short fantasy au with Shaman!Dabi x Cleric!Reader

Really hope Dabi isn't ooc. I tried^^ Maybe I'll make a part 2 to this someday


"Well, this just sucks,"you mutter breathless as you dangled upside down three feet over theground. You had tried to reach the rope that had secured itselfaround your ankles the moment you had accidentally tripped this damntrap. "Why was something like that here anyway? Nobody ever goesinto this forest!" More than just annoyed you tried to reach therope again but to no avail. You cursed yourself for coming here inthe first place. Nobody ever came here so you thought it could beinteresting. An adventure. Something like that. Just something todistract you a little from your normal routine and you needed someherbs. No better place to find herbs than in a forest, right?Normally you would go somewhere else or stay close to the edge butyou really needed these herbs. Some of the children in your villagewhere really sick and you where the cleric after all.

You sighed and seriouslyconsidered to just try and scream for help when you heard a lowchuckle behind you and you froze, going as stiff as a board in yourbindings. Nobody ever came into the forest, right? And why was that?Because of that crazy staple-faced shaman who lived here and burnedliterally everyone who crossed his territory. Maybe you forgot aboutthat minor detail.

Well, shit happens.

"Now, what do we havehere? A little lost lamb dangling from a tree." You gave him a sourlook when he was in your field of vision which he answered with asmug grin of his own. He was behind you again as the rope kept onturning you around and around slowly and you felt seriously just feltsick by now. The turning stopped as one of his hand grabbed your legto hold you still. You wriggled slightly in his grasp so he held youtighter. "Hold still or I'll burn you," he exclaimed obviousannoyance in his voice. "Is that a threat or a promise?" youreplied slightly annoyed yourself. He just chuckled. "So sassy."

"Excuse m-" A burningpain in your ankle stopped you from saying more and suddenly you fellface first to the ground. Crying out in pain from the sudden impactyou struggled to sit up as you where still feeling dizzy from hangingupside down for so long. Examining your ankles you noticed that hehad, in fact, burned you. Shoving your (h/l) (h/c) hair out of yourface you glared at him. The blue flame atop the staff he held in hishand illuminated his smug grin as he reached down and pulled you upby your hair. "Judging by your clothes you are the village cleric,aren't you?" "So what?" you spit back and grabbed hold of thearm that held you up. His grin grew wider, his blue orbs almostburning into you.

"Damn, you're feisty. Ithink it'll be fun to watch you break."

Your face fell. It was avery bad idea to go into this forest.

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