18: The Bunny's First Love

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Day 13


      "Have of taste of these cookies!"

"Hello, do you want to taste this cookie?"

"Hello, can you---"

"Go away." A man pushed Chaewol away causing her to fall to the ground. The man didn't even apologize to her and just keep walking while talking on the phone. Chaewol was just tucking her lips, lowering her head when people looked at her with a glare. She collected the cookies one by one before promoting them again to people who walked past by the streets.

"Hello! If you love cookies, you can come to me and have a taste of my homemade cookies!"
Chaewol spoke up happily and waved to some kids who were waving to her as they were happy to see her in the mascot.

"This cookie has a lot of chocolate chips that will immediately melt in your mouth as soon as you bit it!"

"This cookies--" Chaewol paused and wiped her sweats, "This cookie is the most delicious cookie in the world!"

"These cookies will be your favorite cookies ever!"

"So, don't miss your chance!"

Chaewol cleared her throat and gasped for breathing as she was out of breath again. She patted her chest, continue promoting the cookies when people kept passing the streets.

"Do you like cookies? Do you want to taste mine?"

"I'm pretty sure your kid will like it."

"Have a taste--"

Chaewol lowered her head when no one them mind her. She stood in the middle of the street, watching people who were avoiding her.

Chaewol sighed, "I just want to pay for my surgery..."

She went to the bus stop to take a rest and sat on the bench while zoning out as she was so exhausted from working too hard today. She took off the mascot head and let out a relief when she finally could breathe properly. Chaewol wiped the sweats on her neck and apologized to some people who were sitting next to her because she was so smelly.

"I'm sorry." She muttered softly and bowed to them when they avoided her.

"I'm sorry..."

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