21: leaving

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double update + bonus for you guys!
thank you for supporting this book!
i was guilty for making you wait for my update.
so here ^~^ I hope your day goes well 🍿🍿
i love you!


"Is this the end?"

"Am I standing in the last chapter alone?"

"Without you by my side?"


"This is not the last chapter....."

"This is just a page where my character is going to fade away."

"This is the last page of my existence in your story with her."

"I thought...."

"I thought this story was meant to be for us."

"But now I realize that..."

"I was wrong."

"Since the beginning."

"I'm leaving."

"I'm leaving."

"I can't believe I'm leaving."

"Dear Lord"

"If this is the end of me..."

"Please allow me to see him for the last time."

"Please allow me to see his smile...

touch his cheeks...

brush his hair...

hold his hand...

If this is the end of me,


let me just see him once time.

let me tell him...

how precious my love for him is,

never in my life,

I regretted loving him,

regretted approaching and waiting for him at the playground.

I never regretted them.

even though it hurts me for millionth times,

I will never regret them.

to spend my time with him,

was the happiest thing in my life.

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