26: playground 2100

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Day 3


Knock Knock

    Sunoo went into the room with a small plate in his hand and approached Chaewol who was still sleeping peacefully. He put the tray on the small table next to his bed and woke the girl from her sleeping by lying next to her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder before tucking her into his embrace. He reached his hand to her hair, patted it causing her to mumble in her sleeping.

"Good morning."He whispered and chuckled as she was still mumbling. "Have a breakfast. I need to go to the basketball training with Taeyoung."

"Can I go with you?" She asked with her eyes still shut. "Just stay here, okay? I will bring you to the matchday tomorrow. I can't wait to see your reaction." Chaewol smiled as she respond and continue sleeping.

Sunoo poked the girl's nose before placing a kiss on her cheeks,
"Have a good sleep."

As he was about to continue, Chaewol already fell asleep without having the breakfast that he made. Sunoo just smiled and kissed the girl's hand as a goodbye.

He walked to the door and took a glance at her for the last time before he went to the training.
Deeply in his heart, he was so worried about her. He doesn't want to leave her alone and just want to stay with her all day long but sadly, he was too busy with his studying and training.
So, he just wished for her to be alright when he wasn't around and asked for his mother to look after her no matter what happens.


"I'm home," Sunoo spoke as soon as he entered the house. Mrs.Kim approached him with a sweet smile and greeted him who looks so exhausted after a few hours of training and studying.

"Is this for Chaewol?" Mrs.Kim asked Sunoo excitedly. He nodded and showed the plastic snacks and drinks that he bought from the convenience store earlier.

"How is Chaewol?" 

Mrs.Kim looked down,
"I think she is still sick, Sunoo. She didn't go out of the room. Every time I asked her to eat, she just gave a short answer and slept longer."

"Her body is getting thinner. I was so worried about her. She refused to eat, Sunoo. You should ask her to have dinner later. Maybe she will listen to you."

Sunoo nodded, "Everything will be okay, mom. I will bring her to the hospital tomorrow."

"How about the surgery, Sunoo? Will she be done it?"

"She will be done the surgery and everything will be good after that. Let's just pray for her to get recovered quickly."

Sunoo added more,
"I'm going to take a shower and meet her. Don't worry, okay?"

Mrs.Kim sighed and nodded before going to the kitchen to serve the food that she has just cooked for Chaewol and Sunoo.


After a few minutes of taking a shower and getting ready to go to the bed, Sunoo went into the room and met Chaewol who was lying on the bed while gasping for breathing. He immediately went to the girl and gave her medicine to calm her down. Chaewol put the medicine away, just drinking plain water and wrapping a blanket around her body to warm her body.

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