Chapter 9

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        Another month went by quickly, especially because Oliver was putting his team to work either before or after their schooldays indifferently. Hallowe'en was drawing closer. The previous year, the special feast of the 31st of October had been spoiled by the intrusion of a mountain troll inside the school. This year, Charlotte intended to enjoy the festivities to their fullest. As Hallowe'en was much more anchored into the Anglo-saxon culture than the French one, she was really enthusiastic about discovering the whole celebration, and impressed by all the details by which Hogwarts honored it, from the arty carved pumpkins to the enchantedly moving armors. So, after a very plentiful feast, when every student stopped dead as they were getting back to their respective common rooms, she thought it was another spooky hallway attraction.

        But as silence went on, Charlotte tried to see above the crowd of heads in front of her. It was a grim peek to catch. In a pool of water on the floor of the corridor, were standing blank faced Harry, Ron and Hermione. Behind them, in a shiny red writing, a message stated THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED, ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE. And hanging from a torch holder on the side, was Mr Norris, the caretaker's cat, petrified upside down. A shout broke the silence.

« Ennemies of the heir, beware. You'll be next, mudbloods. » Draco Malfoy declared.

Charlotte was not only horrified by the sight, but also worried about the young trio. Why was Harry founding himself in the middle of trouble, again ?

       For a few days after that, some people seemed to be afraid of him, like he could be guilty. So, as the untidy haired boy was apparently struggling over some homework one night in the Gryffindor common room, Charlotte tried to sound extra cheerful when she approached him.

« Hey, Harry ! What's up ? » She asked.

« Oh, you know, the usual workload. » Harry shrugged in a defeated way. « This transfiguration essay is starting to give me a headache, tho. »

« I can help you with it if you want. » The girl offered. « I was shocked to realize I'm actually ahead of my homework today. And Transfiguration might be my favorite subject. I used to love potions but with Snape, it kinda lost its magic. »

« Thanks Charlotte. But I'm nearly done, I think I'm fine. » Harry smiled across the table. « Oh, and thank you for your birthday card, by the way ! I, hum, got it a bit delayed...long story. That's why I didn't reply, and then it slipped my mind, with the car thing and all. But I meant to say thanks, it really touched me. »

« Stop rambling about it » the blond smiled jokingly at him. « It was nothing. After you wanted to get me a gift last year, that seemed natural. I don't even know where you live, during the summer, by the way.»

So, Harry briefly explained the Privet Drive situation to his friend.

« Doesn't sound too good. » She gathered. « You could spend a while at my place, next summer. My parents are working a lot, anyway, so you wouldn't bother anyone. »

« Thanks, I'll think about it ! » Harry looked gratefully surprised.

        On the other side of her strong belief in Harry and his friends' innocence, Charlotte was wondering about what the Chamber of Secrets was, and whom both the ennemies and the heir referred to. Surely, she wasn't the only one. Whispers of theories could be heard in hallways and classrooms. The students finally got their answer, after Hermione, not finding it in books as usual, apparently asked Professor Binns about it. That night in the Gryffindor common room, the second-years were repeating all the History of Magic teacher had told them about the alleged secret room built by Salazar Slytherin and the monster within meant to eliminate non-pure blood students from Hogwarts.

« Well, at least no one will think you had anything to do with that mess anymore. » Fred said privately to the Golden trio. « You're Gryffindors, not Slytherins. »

That made sense.

« That is giving me the creeps. » Charlotte declared in a soft voice, making Oliver tighten his arms around her. She had lounged against his chest, sitting between his legs, to listen to her youngsters tales. « A monster that can petrify, like this poor cat...I really hope it's just a myth someone's dug out to mess around. »

« Hey, don't look at us ! » Exclaimed the Weasley twins at her side glance.

« Who knows with that school. » Ron mumbled.

« Don't worry, sweetie, you're safe here with me. » Oliver whispered in his girlfriend's ear, actually warming her heart.

        Later on, when the room was mostly emptied, Oliver started kissing Charlotte all the way down her neck.

« If you're afraid of getting nightmares, I could always make you space in my bed. » He said in a flirty tone.

« Don't be silly ! » She chuckled awkwardly.

« Well, I wouldn't mind spending the night with you. » The boy defended.

« ...I suppose it would be nice. » Charlotte zoned out for a second.

« You suppose it would be nice ? » He sounded taken back. « Don't you want us to have some intimacy ? »

« I haven't really thought of that yet... » The girl chuckled nervously again.

« Cha, we're not in a convent, you know ? »

« But we're in school. » She pointed out. « I'm not sure we're gonna get such a special occasion here. »

« Alright, fine. » Oliver dismissed the subject. He then left for his dormitory.

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