Chapter 35

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        Charlotte was following the crowd of students to the Quidditch pitch, which was to be the set of the mysterious task, when she saw Hermione detach from the trail. She followed her young friend in the direction of the champions' tent. They both entered discreetly, finding Cedric pacing around, Victor standing and looking at the ground in focus, Fleur sitting rather pale in a corner and Harry peering at all of them in turns with a nauseous face. Hermione went to him while Charlotte got to Cedric first. He stopped in his steps and rested his forehead on hers as she took his hands.

« Just wanted to check on you, but I won't bother you longer than this, go get them love. »

The tall boy shook his head to protest the idea that she was bothering him, but the words failed to come out. As nerves had made him speechless, a kiss seemed the best way to convey the idea. A flash cracked near them but neither paid attention to it. Charlotte went to squat down in front of Fleur to say a few encouraging words too.

« Remember, you're a kick ass woman. I admire you so much. »

« Thank you. » The other blond managed to reply in a trembling voice.

This time Charlotte noticed the flash of light coming from their side.

Finally, as she saw Hermione had already left, she went to hug Harry.

« Be careful, but I'm sure you'll do great. »

« Hope so. » The boy whispered back.

Just before they let go of each other, she heard another crack behind her. But before she could investigate its source, Ludo Bagman came in and one surprised look from him made her understand it was time for her to leave.

         After a truly nerve-wrecking, full of twist hour of fights between champions and dragons, the whole crowd went down from the bleachers back to the castle ground. As soon as she saw the quatuor exit the tent, Charlotte ran to Cedric and jump in his arms, wrapping her legs around his body.

« Freaking dragons ?! How did you not faint ? How are you not in shock right now ? »

« Don't get mad, love, but I've known it for a few days. Harry told me. » Cedric grimaced a little.

« Whaaat ? Ok, ok, not getting mad...champion secrecy I get it...but still. » She sighed as she put her feet back on the grass.

« I didn't want to worry you. » He replied in a soft tone.

« Yeah, right, as if seeing you walk up to that beast did not give me a heart attack. You were splendid, though ! » Charlotte grinned, not at all mad at this incredible man.

« Thank you. » He rest his forehead against hers. « I promise I'll let you in on everything from now on. Well, as soon as I figure out what the hell this is supposed to be. »

« Hum... » She looked puzzlingly at the golden egg he was carrying under his arm. « I'm sure you'll find out, hun, you're a smart ass. » She concluded by slapping playfully the said body part.

Right at that moment a last flash went on, revealing Rita Skeeter behind her big camera when it faded. But the couple was to caught in their part adrenaline part love bubble to even wonder what she was going to do with such a picture.

        The answer didn't take long to come, in the form of a juicy article in The Daily Prophet. Skeeter had apparently thought she ought to diversify her subjects and find new angles than Harry's tragedies. After an entire page about him and Hermione, illustrated with a big picture of her throwing herself in his arms just before the task, a group of shots of Charlotte with three different champions in their tent was commented as follows :

Who's the Diggory digger ?

While our four competitors have gained a shining egg at the end of that first task, someone else seems to be digging for gold. The appeal of glory can be tentative, and Charlotte Martin - Cedric Diggory's girlfriend - might be the kind not to resist it. Her official relationship with the champion does not stop her from appearing quite close to two other, Fleur Delacour and Harry Potter, forcing herself into the light and privileged places where she doesn't belong. The Gryffindor - and former Beauxbâtons - student could do well to focus her loyalty or Diggory, who's proven smart enough to fight a dragon, would certainly understand to change his for one of the many admirers ready to give him their full attention.

As newspapers were delivered with the rest of owl's post at breakfast, it suddenly felt like all the faces at the long tables were turning to either Charlotte, Cedric, Hermione, or Harry. The blond witch turned to the latter pair, and grimaced when she met Hermione's eyes darting up from the paper.

« Hrr. » Her young friend only made an angry and frustrated grunt.

« She is worse than a dragon. » Harry added.

         « How are you getting on on that egg ? » Charlotte asked her boyfriend sitting across her in the library, wanting a chit-chat break from her homework.

« Not so well... » He vaguely replied.

She thought he would have elaborated more, but as nothing else came out she broke the silence again.

« Let me know if you want a bit of help, love. » She offered, even though the tournaments rules stated champions were on their own, some support seemed welcome after she witnessed the first task.

« Thanks, I don't think I'll need it. » Cedric stated without looking at her.

« I'm not saying you need it but thought you'd like it...unless you've already changed your mind about letting me in, which you obviously have. » The witch had stopped whispering, and Ms. Pince shot her an immediate look of reprehension.

« Maybe I have...and who could blame me ? » The boy finally raised his face from his book, speaking clearly as well.

« What is that suppose to mean ? »

« Shhh. » Ms. Pince warned the couple.

« Fine, I'm leaving anyway. » Cedric got up with an exasperated gesture to both women, gathered his school stuff and walked away.

Charlotte did the same and walked the library corridor quickly to catch up with by the time he reached the door.

« Why are you acting like that ? What's that all about ? » She asked as they exited the quiet room.

« Well, maybe I've reconsidered giving up my possible advantage by telling you, and by that I mean almost all of my opponents along with, everything I find out about that golden clue. » The handsome boy suddenly looked quite cold.

The nasty pinch of disappointment almost left the girl speechless.

« Since when do you think that of me ?...Oh, you've let that article get to your head, haven't you ? »

« I don't need to when your actions echo its words. » He replied with a frown.

She looked up in despair, unconsciously starting to walk away because the conversation was getting real tiring.

« That is the stupidest thing- »

« Yes, that's me, stupid Diggory boy who needs help analyzing articles and golden eggs alike ! » Cedric cut her, half shouting at her though he was walking in the opposite direction to the downwards staircase.

Charlotte went up to the Gryffindor tower, only stopping dumbstruck once she was in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, not comprehending the fight that had just unfolded. Once she entered after a group of second years past by her, she went straight to bed.

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