Chapter 32

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        Finally, Dumbledore concluded the feast, and people started to rise up. Charlotte jumped to her feet, almost knocking her knees to the table, and almost knocking into students as she half ran around the Gryffindor table. Elise, Fleur and her became like one big blond package as they hugged each other tight. Charlotte then passed from arms to arms as she greeted the rest of the familiar faces. Most of them were only saying a quick « Hi, you. », « It's been so long. » or « It is so nice that we'll be able to catch up. » before turning to the exit to go to bed. The last person came up trotting, silvery hair swinging from side to side in her wake.

« Charlotte ! » Gabrielle's small voice resonated as Charlotte squatted down to embrace her.

« Sweetheart ! It is so good to see you. » She replied to the nine year old.

« Can't disagree. » Declared Cedric's voice from their side. « I've missed going to the beach with my bestie. » He said as he ruffled the little girl's hair playfully.

« Hey you. » Charlotte gave him a happy peck.

« I didn't want to interrupt you're reunion, but I thought I'd come say hi. »

« That is very nice of you, Cedric. » Elise answered him, approaching him to kiss him on the cheeks before Fleur did the same, drawing puzzled looks from the British students.

The conversation was cut short by Madam Maxime signaling the trio to follow the rest of the delegation to the castle grounds.

        The next twenty-four hours were full of a new kind of tension, more like a collective vibration. Even if it was a Saturday, groups of students were already hanging around the Entrance Hall early in the morning, peeking who would dare place their name in the Goblet. Charlotte decided to get it over with quickly and drop her piece of parchment on her way to breakfast. Angelina and Katie appeared to be in the same mindset, and they all crossed the white age line to reach the Goblet one by one. Each time, the blue flames turned a deep red for a instant. Alicia looked at them with slightly envious eyes, because her seventeenth birthday was only in December.

« Have many people done it yet ? » Charlotte asked Hermione, who was reading in a corner of the room.

« The whole Durmstrang lot. » The curly haired nodded.

A rush of pressure started to come over Charlotte, but it was stopped by the loudly proud entrance of the Weasley twins.

« Done it. »

« Taken it. »

« A simple age potion. »

« That will take us to eternal glory. »

They declared in turn before Fred jumped into the circle and released his parchment in the fire. Next to the blond, Hermione was shaking her head exasperatedly. Ginny, who had joined them, seemed above her brothers's shenanigans too, except for a few seconds. As nothing happened and George joined his brother to place his name as well, the whole room seemed to gasp, impressed. But the surprise was short. A glowing jet shot out of the Globet, the twins went flying across the room, landed flat on their back and, seconds later, were growing long white beards and hair. They set off towards the hospital wing, having a go at each other on who's fault that mess was, accompanied by a cramped with laughter Lee. Charlotte followed Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron to breakfast, and sat between them and Angelina, Alicia and Katie. A few moments later, the Entrance Hall echoed with cheering, right before Cedric passed the doors, grinning in the middle of his Hufflepuff friends. He winked to his girlfriend.

« Pff, I hope it will be a Gryffindor and not pretty boy Diggory. » Seamus Finnigan was commenting a few seats away. « Although, that would still be better than one of the Slytherin bullies. »

        Charlotte left the Great Hall right on time to see the Beauxbaton delegation turn their heels around to the exit door, apparently having all submitted their name to the goblet. Elise saw her and signaled her to follow the group, not seeming to be able to leave it herself. So she got to her level and crossed the grass at the same pace as the group.

« Hey, so good to see you ! » She said.

« You too ! » The other blond smiled. « Wish we're gonna have more occasions to hang, tho. For now we stick to the pack, Madam Maxime seems to be gauging the place before letting us free. » She rolled her eyes.

« I'm definitely not gonna spend the year like that. » Fleur asserted. « Come say hi, maybe that'll loosen her up. »

« Sure, worth the try. »

So, as the others went inside the big blue house sitting beside the lake, Charlotte only poked her head inside the door and knocked politely to make her presence known to her former Headmistress.

« Charlotte, how loovely it is to see you. If I had seen this coming ! » The young witch had forgotten how impressive it could be to talk to the tall lady up close, yet how motherly she had often felt to her. « How's Hogwarts treating you ? » Madam Maxime asked her as she invited her in for a cup of tea.

They sat together for about an hour, along with a few students who were keen to get back in touch with their former friend. Charlotte seized her chance.

« Madam Maxim, do you think it could be possible to take a few friends for a tour of the castle ? I am very happy we're sharing a home once more this year, you know. »

The lady seemed to consider the matter deeply.

« Alright, you may go. I am sure you are all very intrigued, and I did not intend to keep you tied to me or that carriage anyway. But do not dare shaming the Beauxbaton institution with a bad first impression. » She warned her students sternly.

        Charlotte gave them a full show. The group went along almost every castle corridor, from the donjons to the owlery, as their blond guide punctuated the visit with a few anecdotes. They only paused in front of the Fat Lady portrait.

« Hum, not sure I'm allowed to take you in there... » She declared, before whispering to Elise and Fleur. « But I'll try to sneak you two to my room later. »

A few heads turned in the wake of the elegant, blue silk dressed group, quite mesmerized. By lunch time they were all glad to be able to sit down, and quite hungry. Part of them didn't bother to stick to the Ravenclaw table, Elise and Fleur got on each side of Charlotte.

« That was amazing ! Thanks Charlotte. » Fleur beamed.

« Had fun this morning ? » Asked George, as he and Fred sat down across from the trio.

« More than you two getting rid of those beards, I'd say. » Charlotte grinned.

George blushed a tad, but didn't lose his wit so easily. « I say that was epic. »

Elise joined her laugh to Charlotte's, and the conversation went on. The twins didn't need more of an introduction.

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