just moved in

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Ranboo's pov
I cared my stuff in to my new room. My parents had just adopted a new little boy. So we had to move. This was the last kid that they were adopting. I was happy that we would not be adopting anymore kids and would not be moving anymore. My parents are rich. So we would always move into manchins. I was one of the lucky kids i got my own room.
This room had a window seal that i could sit on. I had books and a laptop that i could play video games on. I'm the third oldest in my family. One of my older siblings are in college and the other has his own family. I would finally be going to a public school. I was getting my stuff set up. I took a break and graded one of my books and sat in the window. Knock Knock.
I herd at the door.
"Yes mom? You can come in."
"Well are you excited for school?"
"Ya i am."
"Well then you are starting Wednesday. Ok"
" Well go get ready for bed it's getting late."
I got up and went to the bathroom to change. It was Monday and i just can't wait for Wednesday. Yeah alot of people don't like school. But i was excited because i was going to a public school for once. I left the bathroom and went to sleep.

Tubbo's pov
It was Tuesday and i was dreding school. I got to and spent my first three hours in the library. I was sitting on the floor. When i herd three girls talking about the new student. How he was rich and properly hot. I just rolled my eyes and one of them must have saw me roll my eyes.
"What are you rolling your eyes at weirdo!?" One of the girls said
"Nothimg." I responded
"Yeah right."One of the other girls said
"Hey leave him alone" my best friend tommy said.
They left.
"Thanks tommy"
"No problem."
"They are always bothering you "tubs"
"Yeah they are."
"Have you herd about the new kid?"
"Sort of."
"Sh*t i need to get to class. Bye tubs."
"Bye tommy."
I get bullied alot. So tommy always has to save me. I went to forth hour. I had tommy and the three mean girls in my class. I sit next to tommy. We always sit next to each other in this class. Tommy is pretty popular. I made
It through the day and went home. I walked bast the new student's house. I saw him in his window. He looked at me. Smiled and waved. I smiled and waved back and started walking again. I got home and did my homework.

Ranboo's pov
I was reading my book when a boy was walking past my house. He stopped and looked at me. I smiled and waved and he did so back. Then started walking again.i got up and got ready for bed before my mom came in. I could not sleep i was excited for tomorrow. So i stayed up all night reading and watching YouTube. In the morning my dad drove me to school. I was the only kid in my family that was going to a public school."thanks dad." And i got out of the car. I was nervous. I walked inside. So meny people crowded around me and started asking questions. before I could answer the principle stopped everyone.
"You all can talk to him later." He said with a commanding voice. They all said okay left. He told one of the girls to show me around. She was turning red.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Y-yes!" She said a little loud and nervous.
She continued showing me around. I went to my home room. I saw the boy i waved at yesterday. I got to sit next to him. He was pretty cute.

its OK. (beeduo) my highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now