part2 of hangout.

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Tommy pov
We finished eating.
"Hey ranboo do you have a movie theater in this house or no?"
"OoOo can we watch a horror movie?" Tubbo asked.
"Tubbo you hate horror movies."
"So doesn't mean i don't want to watch one."
"Me and shadow like horror movies and games. So we are up for it." Ranboo said
"Ok." Me and tubbo said.
"I will make popcorn when we get there."

We walked do a hallway that had a curtain on one said of the hall. At the end of the hall was a Door where the movie theater was. Ranboo and shadow walked to the back to make popcorn. Me and tubbo went and found seats. We told ranboo what movie we wanted to watch. While ranboo was making popcorn he turned on the movie. 3 of ranboo's siblings came to watch the movie with us. That sat next to me. Ranboo gave us all our popcorn. Him and tubbo shared there popcorn.
"I've seen this movie so many times." Gracie said.
"Well don't spoil it for us." Luke said.
"Both of you shut up." Ann said
Tubbo was scared he was holding ranboo's hand tite. He had one of ranboo's hoodies on.

I mean when does tubbo not have ranboo's hoodie on.

Tommy's pov still
"So are any of you dating anyone." I said whispered to ranboo's siblings
"No" Luke ans gracie said
"Yes. I have a boyfriend." Ann said.
"What is tubbo and ranboo making you fell single?" Luke said
"Yes they are."
"Get over it tommy" tubbo said
"Don't worry they make me feel single too" Gracie said
"Same" Luke said
"Even tho I'm dating someone. I still feel single." Ann said
"We can hear you 4. You know." Ranboo said
The movie was over and i told them that i could not stay i was going to be at a different friends house to night so i left.

Well there is part 2. Oh you might be wondering what shadow was doing. Well she watch the hole movie. Unlike the others. She had her own little bowl of popcorn and she sat next to ranboo. There will not be a part 3. Anyway have a great day or night and take care.

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