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Tubbo's pov
Me and ranboo were in his room. we were sitting in his window i wasnplaying with Shadow and ranboo was reading a book. The his mother knocked oh the door.
"Come in." Ranboo said. Putting in his bookmark so he would not loose his page.
"So tubbo i got your mothers number and you family is coming over for dinner. She wants to get to know her son's boyfriend's family and i want  to get to know your family. Just to let you know." She said and left.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a cat?" I asked ranboo
"Why is that the thing that comes to your mind after my mom tells up your family is coming for dinner." Ranboo said
"Idk i really don't want to see my family." I said as shadow jumped down and ate some food.
"Becase. I just like it me and you and we can come back to  your room after dinner. But we will have to stay down stairs after dinner." I said as shadow layed down and started taking a nap.
"Ok" ranboo said kissing my cheek.
"I think you missed boss man." I said looking at ranboo.
"Oh ok." Ranboo said as he kissed me.
"Get a room you two." Luke said.
"Then get out of my room." Ranboo said.
"Jeaz." Luke said leaving ranboo's room.
"Why was he even in your room?" I asked

Asking the same think anyone else?

Tubbo's pov still
"Have no clue." Ranboo said.
I kissed ranboo. The. Shadow meowed like she was saying get a room then continued her nap.
"Sure she's your cat." I said
"Yep definitely my cat."
It was only like 10 and we had all day to do something. I slept until 9 so i was not tried. I looked at ranboo.
"What do you want to do boo?"
"I don't know."
"We could go swimming?"
"Cime on boo you had so much fun last time it was just me are you."
"Yeah. But..."
"Ok. Fine. What else can we do then."
"A movie or go for a walk?"
"ooo a walk sounds nice."
"Ok. The let's go get dressed and  we can go."
We got up and go dressed. I was done getting dressed before ranboo. I wanted to ask ranboo if we could go see Michael. He finally was done.
"Oh ranboo could we go see Michael?"
We got our shoes on and left. We started walking to the bee incloser. The person at the front stopped us.
"Tubbo, so umm Michael died we are so sorry."
"Oh.... ok" i tried so hard not to cry.

Ranboo's pov
Tubbo was crying because Michael was his pet/ best friend. But Tommy is his best friend forever and in also the best friend and also boyfriend. We went home it was getting close to dinner. I had an idea.
"Tubbo. I will be back at dinner ok."
"Wait where are you going."
"To get you a present."
I left. I walked to the pet shelter. I was looking through the cats. I found a cat he was really friendly and loved to be pet. I was talking to the front desk. She told me what the name of the cat was. It was Michael.
"So are you getting this cat for you or someone?"
"I'm getting for someone."
"Ok. We will go get Michael for you."
They got Michael and started walking home. I was missing dinner but i need to get him for tubbo. I mad it home. I took Michael out of his cage and walked over to tubbo i smiled and handed him Michael.
"What's his name?" Tubbo asked
Tubbo's family was so shocked that i just got a cat for tubbo.
"Michael is his name."
Tubbo stood up and kissed me.
"Your late for dinner ranboo. But  i will let it pass because you got your boyfriend a cat. We ate dinner and tubbo showed shadow Michael. Me and tubbo stayed in my room for the rest of the time. We had fallen asleep in my window.

My favorite part so far. Take care and have a great day or night.

its OK. (beeduo) my highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now