dance with me Bee

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Ranboo's pov
I woke up and tubbo was on my laptop. I was questioning how he knew my password. I looked at the time it was only 8 am. I kissed tubbo on the cheek. He jumped.
"So~ bee why are you on my laptop?"
"I got bored."
"You could have just woke me up."
"Nah. That takes the fun of going through your laptop."
"Why are you even going through my laptop?"
"Because i can."
I closed the top to my laptop and set it on the table next to me.
" i hate getting up."
"I know bee. What do you want me to go throw you in the pool again?"
"Ok then get up."
"No I'm going back to sleep."
I was hungry. So i just picked up tubbo and walked down stairs. I was late for breakfast again. Tubbo was being clingy. Tubbo likes his food. Idea!
"Yo bee if you don't get up then I'm eating your food."
"No! Ok ok I'm up."
"Oh there you are shadow." I said.

Shadow jumped up on the corner. Tubbo's eye got to big.
"You have a cat boo."
"Yes. Her name is shadow. She is my cat."
"She is so cute."
Shadow is my black cat. She is really cut with her green eyes. Tubbo grabbed Shadow and took her up to my room. I followed them. I got out Shadow's toys and her bed food. Well now she can stay in my room.

Tubbo's pov
I sat in ranboo's window playing with Shadow. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was 10. Man I've been playing with Shadow for an hour. I was going to ask ranboo how old Shadow was but he was not in his room. I put Shadow on the ground. She followed me every where i went looking for rannboo. I guess she was wondering where her owner was. We walked down a hallway.  It had like current  on one side of the hallway. I opened the current alittle. We saw ranboo dancing. In this huge room.

So go to youtube and look up dance till dawn ranboo and that will be the top one. That is kinda showing how ranboo was dancing. Also all created to the person who animated the animation.

Tubbo's pov still
After a little ranboo noticed me. He walked over to us. Shadow walked over to a corner and layed down.
"Dance with me Bee." He said holding his hand out.
I took his hand. I don't know how to dance but i was doing really good. After awhile we stopped dancing. We walked back to his room. Shadow jumped into ranboo's arms before we left. When we got to ranboo's room i put on his favorite hoodie and played with Shadow for a little. I stood up and walked over to ranboo. He was laying on his bed on his phone. I put his phone on his bed and layed on his chest. Shadow jumped up on the bed and layed on ranboo's phone. We  both laughed.  Shadow just took a nap on ranboo's phone. We talked for a while. When shadow woke up ranboo kissed me. Shadow took her paw and hit both of our cheeks. Ranboo gave her a pet and took his phone back. She jumped off of the bed and layed on hers and just slept. Me and ranboo walked down stairs and ate dinner with his family. We went back to his room changed and went to bed.

Well not a cliffhanger this time. Please do look up the video. It will help you under stand what's really going on. Anyway have a great day or night and take care.

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