Chapter 16) A little lost

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Hello everyone, welcome. Uh, thanks for 2k views I guess. Gosh you guys are lovely! Anyways, as I promised, a longer chapter... it's not as long as I'd like it, but I feel it leaves off on a good tone!

Why are you guys still here?? Get on to reading!

Ranboo was trekking through the snow. It was up to his knees at this point, it just stopped snowing and he was going to make the most of this time. He had the letter clutched tight in hand.

He wasn't going to forget.

He just couldn't. He would never forgive himself.

He was walking through a snowy plains, sprinkled with small hills. He moved slow due to all the fresh powdered snow that had fallen moments before.

Now and again little flakes would fall on his nose. It was kinda nice until he started to feel irritated when they melted. He felt itchy across his face so he would brush them off quickly.

Each flake was so perfect. So unique. So special in all their small glory. It was so sad how they disappeared so soon, it reminded him of Tommy.

He was so outgoing, so special. So unique. He was like nobody else.

It made some people angry. Angry he didn't fit into their box. No one could put him in it though. That's what Dream probably designed exile around.

A box to slowly shove Tommy in. All against his will.

It wasn't right.

Dream had played Tubbo.

He had played Fundy.

He had played Quackity.

He played Ranboo himself.

Nobody could have guessed the fiery passion Dream had for Tommy.

How could they?

To everyone else, Dream hated Tommy, hated him so much. That's what the wars were about. What the fight for independence was about. What everything was about.

Everyone thought that's what it was... Maybe at one point.

Not anymore.

Behind a snowy peak, smoke crept up as a pillar to the sky.

Ranboo happily warped and tried to trek faster. He was stumbling over his own feet, but he couldn't stop now.

~time skip~

Ranboo finally made it to the cabin.

Gosh he was cold.

It looked so warm inside, from the fireplace crackling through the door, to the smell of pine wood and fresh cookies that always looms in the house.

He walks up the little stairs to the porch. The house was cozy, and it was too quiet here, though the atmosphere in the house was always inviting.

The atmosphere wasn't here today. More like a rain cloud with a peaking sun of hope.

Ranboo isn't sure if Tommy would be at the house yet.

It spoke in the letter about them going to get Tommy.

It was about a two day walk to get here, he didn't take the nether as his body isn't the best with the sudden boiling to freezing temperature changes.

He prefers to walk and get used to it natural.

He got an insane amount of fevers and vomiting back when he sent regular letters to Tommy. It was worse the day he saw Tommy 'die'. His tears left painfully ragged streaks down his fevering face.

It's also very scenic.

Since the letter was from the day before he read it, and he left a day after that, it should have been about 5 days.

They said they'd be back in three.

It was kinda foggy though.

He didn't have time to write a complete time line of what happened.

Ranboo looked at his reflexion through the glass.

He looked a little rough. Unkempt hair, dirty skin with a few small welts from the snow. Not to mention his clothes were covered in mud and sticks. He looked like he just walked across the country in the bush and not showered in days.

That is true though.

Showering is also a word to use lightly it's more lik- No! Ranboo, stay focused! This is not the time for that.

He scruffled his hair a little to make it look nicer and he brushed of his clothes.

The mud smeared, leaving long, dragging lines of the mud that hadn't soaked in deeper.

Well that did a whole load of shit.

He approached the door. He gently rang the bell, loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to wake up any hopefully sleeping teens.

The house began a stir as someone started making their way to the door.

The door opened revealing a blonde male with battered wings. It was Philza. He seemed some what pleased to see Ranboo. Ranboo was also glad to see Philza.

Him being home must mean they have Tommy. Right?

"Hey mate! Good to see you got my letter."  Philza said.

"Is Tommy here! Is he ok?" Ranboo said quickly.

He only then realised how nervous he was. Philza let out a tired laugh.

"Well Tommy is here and safe, he's just not himself. Techno and I believe Dream placed an enchantment on this bandana, because he can't see nor hear us. Ghostbur is an exception being a ghost. He's currently with Tommy now."

Ranboo signed. At least he's ok.

"Can I see him?"

"Of course, follow me."
Thanks for reading, and again thanks for 2.3k views! You guys are so nice! Have a wonderful day, I'll be thinking about the appearance of a special abuser. C;
Word count:815

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