Chapter 28) What are You Doing Here

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Hello! Sorry for the late update, I've been quite busy ;v;  Anyways, enjoy this update.

"Oh Tommy it's great when you're quiet! We can just cuddle and love each other like brothers should!" Dream said, staring dreamily into the eyes of Tommy. He was quiet, he couldn't speak anyways, so it wasn't new, yet it still felt great to have his little brother quietly cuddling into him, "I know it was hard when Techno and Philza kidnapped you, but now it lets us truely understand how important spending time together is!"

His hands laid idly playing with the boy's hair, the soft golden curls twisting through his hand.

The smile on his was felt so genuine, and he felt like it truly was. His sunshine's weight was fully resting on him, relying on the man to support him as he cuddles closer to the man.

The blood that crested Tommy's head felt like a drug. He just looked so stunning with it! The blood definitely wasn't going anywhere soon.

His brother's felt so cold in his arms, the room wasn't the warmest, so he held him close to share the warmth of his love.

The gentle embrace was all Dream ever needed.  Nothing else. Ever. No other friends.  None of the rest his family. Nobody!

Just him and his precious sunshine.

He felt giddy and the boy's head rolled into the crane of his neck, soft skin alining too perfectly with his own. His Tommy held him tightly, as if scared he would leave. He just couldn't bring himself to let go. At least now. He might sleep with Tommy tonight, he already got the softest blankets in his base prepared, laying idly to the side.

His little sunshine and him!

And he was happy.

"You were so stubborn before I fixed you, but even when you hated my guts in L'manburg, your smile made me feel something I have never felt before! You challenged me like nobody else. But you're better now, I was so sad when you stopped smiling in exile. But it had to be done, Tubbo would always steal you from me."

His fingers curled possessively through the blond's hair. He hated Tubbo with ever fibre of his existence. HE was always there to steal his precious sunshine, HE was the one who made Tommy smile like that. Dream was so jealous, but now, he had his brother all to himself, smiling up at him with the same, bright smile.

He loved Tommy too much to let go. He begged to god that he would never need to let go.

He would blow up L'manburg in a week, and rid everyone from the server who ever tried to steal his oh so precious sunshine from him. Who were they to get to say what he can't do.

Tommy loved him. Tommy needed him. Tommy would be so sad, so so lonely without him. But he would always be here for Tommy. No matter what.

The boy's eyes lazily rolled up to him, smiling wide.

He grinned back, before resting his own head on the boy.

"What the fuck..."

Dreams head snapped to the door. He was just having snuggle times with his Toms before he heard a familiar voice at the door. Why was he here? How did he find this place? Was he here to take his sunshine away again...

"What are you doing here." Dream snarled as looked closer at the man. The guy's breathing began to become choppy, not liking the sight. His eyes don't deserve to see Tommy. His precious Toms.

His mouth hung agape, letting out a small gasp. What the fuck was that for, is it that hard to believe that Tommy was spending time with Dream, smiling at him from his place in his lap.

"What have you done to Tommy, Dream?" He stuttered out, barely audible from shock.

He kind of felt happy being able to show off his Toms, a sense of pride from how amazing His sunshine looked. He also felt jealous that he had to share this sight with another.

Let's hope this will be quick.

"I'm just spending time with my little brother! Isn't he so cute!" Dream said beaming at the man, he gently placed Tommy down on the floor, getting up to stand level to him, "Isn't he just so perfect!"

The man look like he was holding bile in his throat at the words. Dream began to frown at that.

"Dream what has happened to you! That's Tommy! You don't even have a brother, you've just truely have gone fucking nuts! Your insane, you've kidnapped Tommy and know you've-"

One step.

"I don't appreciate that Sapnap."

Two steps.

"First you enter my house and disturb my time with my sunshine-"

Three steps.

"- and now you accuse me of kidnapping my own brother-"

Four steps, he's practically on top of Sapnap at this point.

"-and for that you will pay."

Axe swiftly summoned, he pounds down hard on his chest plate, small spurts of blood leak for broken places.

His face inked in red, with a large, pyschotic grin, his face looked carved open at the shear length of the smile.

Loud screams emerge as he slowly breaks the chest plate, with consent, droning swings.

"He's mine, he's mine, he's mine, he's mine, he's mine!" Dream's voice echos out, glee emerging further, followed with pure, unbridled rage.

"Dream! We were friends! Don't do this!" Sapnap pleaded, his voice weak in his throat, cracking in fear of the crazy man slowly breaking his only protection.

"I don't need you when I have my Toms!" Dream shrieked, as a loud sound rang out across the room. A loud, cracking noise.

"But Tommy is-" the words hung limp in his throat as blood erupted out of it. Dream pounded his chest, leaving large, ripping holes through his chest. He continued his attacked, his euphoria from the fight quickly leaving, as he uses the corpse as a way the let out his rage. He tore through his 'friend' (he isn't his friend, all he needs is his sweet sunshine!) as if he was a pin cushion.

He stared down at the lifeless body, large, gaping wounds gashed through it from the axe that now hung limply by his side. A dark, low laugh left his mouth, anyone would have thought it would be from disbelief, but it was from pure delight.

He looked over to Tommy, lose hair fluttering to his face, making him seem more unhinged than what was displayed. Though Tommy didn't seem to care.

He just sat, beaming at Dream as if he was his hero, saving him from the monster trying to take away HIS brother.

Dream smiles wider (If that's even possible, his smile already exceeded what any normal human could achieve.).

With a quick clean up, the body already fading as he respawns, he returns  back to his sunshine's side, an affectionate look grazing his eyes as he placed his chin in the blonde's golden locks.

Nothing can stop this.



All mine.
Dream has gone fucking nuts! Anyways, I'll try get the next one out quicker.
Word Count:1.17k

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