My logic in countryhumans

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okay so I don't know what to say in the opening so let's go XD

1. Who are they?

We're not sure about who they are, but I can say that they aren't invisible. The reason that I said that we can actually see them is because in my logic, their own citizens makes them exist, which means they can be any of us, we can't realize them is just because we don't know that.

This means that anyone around you can be the countryhuman of their home country~ and maybe you are the countryhuman.

They can have the memories of their every single citizens.

2. What about those who aren't "countries"?

Ooooh yes, not only countryhumans are existed, there are also statehumans and others.

Taiwan for example, there are Taiwan(Han Taiwan)/state(county)humans/partyhumans and Native Taiwan/mountain/river/(whatever)humans, sometimes there are even regimehumans.

3. Gender?

Countries are actually genderless and can switch at any time they want, but they are usually in the gender that they are more comfortable with, ex: France and Japan are female.


They look just like humans, they have hair, pupils, nails and they even have ability to gave birth! In human's eyes, they look like ordinary people, but countries themselves can see the flags on each other's face, which made them easy to recognize.

And also, their height is same as their people's average height, if they're male, then it's male's average height, if they're female, then it's female's.

Sometimes they don't look absolutely like humans, such as Japan, she sometimes appears to have cat ears, tail, or have them both at the same time. 

5. What will the world wars be like in the countryhumans world?

Accord to the first logic, they will either join their army, stay home, serve as logistics... etc just like humans do during war time. However, they're usually with the high-level decision makers like generals and presidents.

6. Despite every country have their own featuring personality, they are all complexed. I mean, because they have all of their citizens memories, they will have thousands of millions of different thoughts and feelings to the same event or thing.

7. If a country's birth rate had rise more than 0.5 compare to the previous year, than it will reflect on their own body, which means they will give birth to a random baby!( don't worry those babies will still have human birth mothers of course)

8. Humans can actually talk, touch or something like that with them! But humans can never recognize that they are actually countries.

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