I didn't forget the book :'D and another headcanon: the counties

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Hi guys! sorry for being dead, I'm still facing the big difficulty to write the ch's history, then preparation of my college life took over and now schoolwork qwq, but I DIDN'T FORGOT THE BOOK! I'll try to write something more often.

and here's a headcanon ^^

this headcanon is about the genders of the county humans, and the "genders" here merely means by physical appearance at the couties' prefernce.

This is from North to the South, then to the East and last we have the islands.

I use the names that are more commonly used, and the words with underline like this are the names shown on the map above.

1. Taipei city: male

2. New Taipei city: female

4. Keelung city: male

3. Taoyuan city: female

4. Hsinchu: male

5. Miaoli: female

6. Taichung city: female

7. Changhua: male

8. Yunlin: female

9. Chiayi: male

10. Tainan city: female

11. Kaohsiung city: male

12. Pingtung: male

13. Yilan: female

14. Hualien: female

15. Taitung: male

16. Penghu(Lienchiang): female

17. Kinmeng: male

18. Mazu: male

Thes following islands are not counties:

19. Lanyu(Orchid island, Taitung): male

20. Green Island (Lyudao, Taitung): male

21. Xiaoliuqiu (Pingtung): female

I ignored some of the parts on the map bc we actually won't make it that clear when the city has the lower level than it's county.

p.s. i typed down all these counties' names without any research and only got 2 of them written wrong, as a Taiwanese who is in the crisis of running out of brain cells, i am very proud of myself :'D

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