Chapter 8

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Some people take life for granted, they don't appreciate the little things they have and crave for more. When people say 'the sky's the limit', they don't realise how false that really is, especially for people like us who aren't even destined for the things on the ground.

As a child, I always loved reading the stories in the small reading corner we had at school. I read about a village girl turning a beast back into a prince, a princess falling into a deep sleep and can only be awoken by a true loves kiss, my personal favourite. I remember reading a story of a girl with long blonde hair trapped in a tower. An ordinary guy comes to save her and shows her what she's been missing. I always thought I'd be just like her, I had the blonde hair and that's all I needed. I always believed a guy would come along, a friend, and show me what I had been missing. It wasn't till I got a little older when I realised the only similarity I had with Rapunzel was the colour of my hair. I was no princess, no one was going to save me from my prison, no one was going to show me what I had been missing my entire life.

"You have to give her another chance sweetheart." Poppy said as she crouched down in front of me while I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting room.

"This is the third time, how many chances do you want me to give her! I've done everything I possibly can and it's still not enough. What more can I possibly do?!" I snapped as she stood up and sat next to me before hesitantly putting her arm around my shoulders.

"I know baby, but you can't expect her to snap back to the person she was two years ago." She said softly as she gently rubbed my arm.

"That's the thing Poppy, I don't want that. The person she was two years ago isn't any better than the person she is today." I said as I shrugged her arm off and stormed out of the waiting room doors and into the lift.

I think people forget that I'm only seventeen years old and shouldn't have to worry about the next time her mother tries to kill herself, but instead be worried about if a guy likes me or not, or where the next party is going to be, or even what college I'll be going to in a few months.

Pressing the button to the top floor, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. It's been two days since I got the call from Poppy and rushed over to the hospital. Two days since I went to the house. Two days since I've seen anyone other than the nurses, doctors, and patients roaming around in this hospital. And two days since Maria Quin, my mother, tried to kill herself for the third time in two years. Woah, shocker I know. The rich girl doesn't have the perfect life? Who would've guessed?

The funny thing is I don't even know why. Sure, I know why the last two times and made sure I did everything and anything I possibly could so nothing like that happened. So why? What I seem to keep forgetting is I might be getting rid of all her demons outside, but I can't save her from her own mind. No matter how hard I try.

Soon enough the lift doors opened on the top floor. It's a bit ironic how the suicide ward is on the top floor. Walking out of the lift and down the narrow hallway, I lightly knocked on her room door before slowly opening it just to see her laying on her bed with back facing me.

"Hey momma." I whispered as I closed the door behind me and walked closer to her. "I bought you a new book." I told her as I sat my backpack down besides me before taking a seat at the end of her bed.

I watched as she stared out of the window with a blank expression on her face. She looked good of any emotion, not a single trace of happiness, sadness, anger, or even regret. She looked...lifeless.

"I would tell you about school but it was really boring." I lied, I didn't even go to school today. But she doesn't need to know that. "It's your birthday next week, what flavour cake are you thinking of?" I asked yet I receive no reply. My mom, just like me, is a sucker for anything remotely sweet. Candy, cake, ice cream, and anything else you could possibly think of.

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