Chapter 10

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You know when you walk down the street or past a bunch of people in general, have you ever just thought that they weren't people? What I mean by that is, do you ever feel that you're the only person in the entire world and the 'people' around us are just figments of our imagination, or even planted here specifically to work around you? Because I've quite literally convinced myself that I genuinely am the only living person in the entire world, while everyone else is a robot. A 'it's my world and you're living in it' kind of situation.

That may or may not have an affect to how I treat people too. If they don't even exist, then why should I treat them like they do? I guess it's a psychotic thought, but I couldn't care less because right now Sebastian is sat directly opposite me bawling his eyes out while I bang my head against the wall cursing cursing myself for asking him why he was crying.

"If you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to pull your eyes out and shove them so far up your ass that you'll be pissing tears." I threatened as he slightly shuffled away from me while wiping his tears and sniffling.

I've been sat in the lift for the last ten minutes listening to him cry and babble on about god knows what because all the wailing was making it quite difficult to piece together any words. He literally welcomed himself into the lift, fell to the floor, and started crying. Not only that, he also blocked the door so I can't even get out. We've been going up and down the five floors for ten minutes, for absolutely no reason.

"'re mean." He sniffled as I narrowed my eyes at him and kicked his shin making him kick me back fifty times lighter than I kicked him. Idiot.

"And you're a cry baby, anything else?" I gritted as he childishly stuck his tongue out at me while I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Aren't you...going to ask...why I was crying?" He pathetically sniffled as I bawled my fists, ready to punch either him, or myself.

"Why the fuck were you crying Sebastian?" I gritted out as he sniffled once again before wiping his eyes and dramatically looking down at the floor.

"My fish died this morning, and my mom flushed it down the toilet." He said before bursting into tears once again.

"And? Did you want to eat it?" I asked in disgust as his wailing became a lot more louder and exaggerated while I  groaned in disbelief. How could one possibly be so attached to a little fish? There's millions in the sea, have at it!

"You're so meaaannnn!" He cried once again while I stood up and pressed the button for the fourth floor. There's no way I'm spending any extra time in here and burning the brain cells I have left. I'd much rather sit through an English lesson.

The second the lift doors split open, I pulled the front of his hoodie as hard as I possibly could, sending him flying forwards while I stepped over him and walked out the lift. Shocked by the sudden aggression, he looked at me upside down in complete and utter disbelief while I stepped out the lift and closed the doors on him.

Now, this is where I would be more than relieved and make my way to whatever is left of my lesson simply because I'm bored. Surprisingly, I didn't get too far since I was stopped by a group of familiar boys searching for something.

"Hey, Avery!" Alex called out as I rolled my eyes and spun on my heels before speed walking away. I've had too much human interaction for one day, I don't need or even want any more.

"You walk fast." Luca huffed as the three of them stood in front of me, blocking me from leaving. Considering the fact that this is most definitely my world and people are just living in it, I don't feel in much control right now.

"Have you seen Sebastian by any chance?" Alex asked as I rolled my eyes as the thought of the dramatic crying I had to put up with just moments ago.

"He's in the lift crying." I said bluntly before turning around and walking off.

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