174 ~ Venus's Birthday

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Going back to Hogwarts after a weekend of such excitement was like waking up from a dream before it ended. Emma felt as if her weekend of bliss had passed too quickly, with nothing ahead to replace the pure elation she was leaving behind. She and Venus reappeared in Professor McGonagall's office fireplace Sunday evening as the sun was setting, and the joy flew from her immediately.

"We'll be doing our codes," McGonagall said in lieu of a greeting. "Miss Quinn, what comment did you receive on your last Transfiguration essay?"

Emma frowned. "Er -- you said I should've elaborated more on the difficulties of conjuring large objects."

"Correct. Miss Tyler, on which day last week did you successfully conjure a bird?"

"Monday," answered Venus.

McGonagall sighed. "Very well. How was the wedding?"

"It was lovely," Emma told her. "Small and intimate, but really fun."

Venus nodded in agreement. "We had a wonderful time."

"I'm pleased to hear it," McGonagall said with what almost passed as a smile. "Off to your dormitories now."

As April 21st approached, patches of bright blue sky began to appear over the castle turrets. The thought of summer on the horizon brought thoughts of Camp Half-Blood to Emma's mind. What would Camp be like this year, with Percy and Annabeth away at New Rome University, and all of Emma's old friends off doing their own things? Of course, she'd still have Will and Sadie, Fawn, Connor, Kayla, Austin, and the others. Or, at least, she thought she would. In Will's last letter, he'd written that their dad was nearing the end of his quest. Will and Nico were preparing to help him go through the next stage, and he wasn't sure when he'd write again, but he'd stay safe.

And then, miraculously, Emma had dreamt of him. A real demigod dream, for the first time in almost a year.

Emma didn't pretend to know what was happening over in America. It seemed almost as bad as everything happening in Britain, surprisingly. What she did know was the bit she'd been told by Apollo and Will, and those letters had been few and far between. But she'd gather enough to know that in the dream, Will and Nico had been helping Apollo take down Nero. And somehow, someway, Apollo had completed his quest and returned to Mount Olympus. Thus, the gift of prophecy had returned to the demigod world.

But Camp Half-Blood had suffered losses, as they always did when there was a war going on. Oh, why was there always a war going on?

The day of April 21st, Emma woke with the dawn, and didn't waste time getting out of bed to prepare for Venus's birthday. In the past, neither girl had ever been super big on celebrating, but this year was different. Venus was turning 17, which meant she was an adult. And that deserved recognition.

James and Beatrice had sent Venus a small pile of presents the night before, which Emma had stashed under her bed along with the decorations she'd purchased via Fred and George from Diagon Alley. George, too, had sent her a gift, and Emma had definitely not peeked to see what it was. Not at all. Venus hadn't seen George in ages. He hadn't been at the wedding, mostly because Beatrice and James had wanted to keep it small, but also because, somehow, Fred and George's shop was booming, and both of them were working overtime. But Emma had been affirmed by Fred that the twins were planning on stopping in Hogsmeade that afternoon to buy Venus her first legal drink. And, of course, so the lovebirds could be reunited.

As the sunlight began to stream in through the windows, Emma went about stringing up silver streamers and teal baubles. She used magic for most of the grunt work, but it still took a while to accomplish, with the sheer amount of things she'd bought. Finally, she set up Venus's gifts at the foot of her bed, and pulled on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater she'd stolen from her mum. Double checking that the decorations were all in order, she grabbed her wand and hurried out of Gryffindor Tower and down to the Kitchens.

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