93 ~ The Truth

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As the people in the Top Box started filing out, Emma found herself walking in front of Draco Malfoy and his family. She tried to ignore him as best she could, but Lucius and his son were making nasty snide comments about the Weasleys, and it took a great amount of self-control not to butt in.

"Did you all enjoy the match?" Sam asked Emma and her cousins.

"It was interesting," Emma said.

Brilee shrugged, Ellie made a face, and Josephine looked excited.

"Eet was eencredible!" The brunette exclaimed, her eyes bright. "I 'ave never seen broomsticks move zat fast!"

"Neither have I," said Emma. "Quidditch at Hogwarts is rather uneventful compared to Professional. But I suppose the House Rivalry makes it all worthwhile."

"And 'Arry Potter plays for your 'ouse, doesn't 'e?"

"Yes, he's the Seeker. The best one at Hogwarts."

"I take offence to that," Draco Malfoy's voice said from behind Emma. She turned, only just realizing the Malfoys' conversation had stopped, and that they were listening to hers. Draco's eyes glared at Emma, and she narrowed her own eyes in return.

"I don't know why," she said, "You've never caught the snitch in a single match."

"Yes I have."

"Not that I've seen. Besides, everyone knows you're a rotten Seeker anyway, and you only made the team because your daddy bought new broomsticks for everyone."

Draco's eyes were so narrowed that they seemed like slits in his pale complexion. His voice was low when he spoke.

"Funny you say that, when you're not even on a house team."

"That's because I have no interest in playing Quidditch."

Draco just smirked, and Emma turned forward once more, and resumed her conversation with Josephine.

They were soon caught up in the crowds now flooding out of the stadium and back to their campsites. Raucous singing was borne toward them on the night air as they retraced their steps along the lantern-lit path, and leprechauns kept shooting over their heads, cackling and waving their lanterns. When they finally reached the tents, nobody felt like sleeping at all, and given the level of noise around them, Sam agreed that they could all have one last cup of tea together before turning in.

When at last all four girls and Sam finally snuggled into their bunks -- Ellie complained a bit that they weren't soft enough -- Emma dreamt about she and her living siblings seemingly getting ready for something. It was only after seeing other campers in full battle armor that Emma realized they were preparing for war.

Emma's eyes shot open the second something cold and wet hit her square in the face. Ellie stood over her, holding an empty cup.

"Get up," she said, turning away. "Somezing 'as gone wrong."

Emma slipped out of bed and pulled a jumper over her sweatpants and tee-shirt. She grabbed her wand and slipped her extra dagger into the waistband of her pants. The noises in the campsite had changed. The singing had stopped. She could hear screams, and the sound of people running.

Emma dashed after Josephine, Ellie, Brilee, and Sam as they fled the tent. Emma's bare feet hit stones and dirt and grass as she and her family came upon the crowd of witches and wizards running towards the forest.

By the light of the few fires that were still burning, Emma could see something that was moving across the field toward them, something that was emitting odd flashes of light and noises like gunfire. Loud jeering, roars of laughter, and drunken yells were drifting toward them; then came a burst of strong green light, which illuminated the scene.

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